Monday 23 July 2007

10,000 miles

As I drove back today, the mileometer passed 62,000 and made me think about the number of times I have pounded backwards and forwards along three of the worst, most road-works riven, coned off motorways in the UK over the past 18 months in order to see you. It must be 10,000 miles worth by now. Over 100 hours wedged into a sitting position with my hands fixed on the wheel in the proverbial ten-to-two of the less confident driver and emerging stuck into that shape, like one of those little brown toy tractor drivers my kids used to play with.

Arriving exhausted in the middle of the night, lugging my bag of tricks across the car park in the rain and falling into your embrace ready to have all my cares washed away by hours and hours of stroking and caressing and general mutual admiration and approbation.

The tiredness and the sadness melting away under the strength of your kisses as you cleanse my soul with the intensity of your love. Knowing that the best is yet to come as you pound the demons out of me, exorcising my ghosts and making me whole again. Ready to accept anything that the future has to offer in the knowledge that you will always be with me - be it as my lover or my best friend.

What's 10,000 miles compared to the bliss I have enjoyed lying wrapped in your arms?

What's 10,000 miles in recompense for the sexy, beautiful, confident woman you have helped me to discover?

What's 10,000 miles when you have taken me to heaven x


  1. "pound the demons out of me ..."
    i like it, very much.

  2. Do you have the energy to pund after flying 10,000 miles? I'd have though deep vein thrombosis was more likely? Ah I see now.

  3. Ahhh, sweet, sometimes the travel is definitely worth it!

  4. I think I like your version of pounding, more than mine.


  5. Re the 'pounding... exorcising...' line: The strength that can be derived from sex and sensuality is something that I'm continually amazed by. Shame that it often has to come in such complex packages.

    As one who is new to your blog, I'm presuming that your man is doing more than enough (stop that giggling at the back) to match your driving efforts.

  6. me - Ruf does love to pound :)

    middy - im more of a receiver, attempts to pound have resulted in casualties to the population of the Ann Summers Warren... see previous entries :(

    vi - i have never regretted even one of those long drives

    anon boxer - what did i tell you! i still like to spar and pound my bag tho.

    shane - welcome. Ruf is the man who changed my life and gave me back my joy in sex :)

  7. You'd walk those miles if you had to - and what's really lovely is, so would he x

  8. Doesn't it seem perverse that summer = roadwork? Glad you're enjoying the destination once you pry yourself out of the driver's seat.

  9. Sweet. And now I have "and I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more" in my head. Thanks for that!

  10. Angie - I asked him, he said if necessary he'd walk it backwards! Awww, bless x

    julia - sadly these bloody roadworks have all been going on for over a year and will continue for another six months.

    Annie R - Hello. I owe you an apology. You were the first ever visitor and commenter on my blog, back in January when I did a test run and I didnt return for four months so I didnt realise and acknowledge you. So, thank you x

  11. Oh bugger. Now Ive got it in my head too. That is the song I absolutely hate the most, Isa!

  12. I think the distance was the ultimate aphrodisiac in my early relationship with Vampyr. It was that three hour drive to see him that only ramped up the desire and need for what he could give me. Then there was the three hours home at the end of the weekend that let me savor and memorize each touch, each moment, each feeling.... and then let me dream of the next stolen moments. Thanks for making me remember and refeel. I think the Vampyr will benefit from this post immensely tonight.


  13. his ladye - welcome. And yes, that three hour drive home sure does give time for reflection and revisiting. Hope you and the Vampyr had fun x

  14. We had enough fun ever time to make it permanent. Gosh that was almost 7 years ago now. And the journey changes every day. Sometimes I love when we are apart one night or a few because the desire just lauches itself through me. Okay I will shut up. He will be home from work soon. Yea!!


  15. 10,000 miles is nothing compared to that, Cake !
