Tuesday 28 August 2007

Blog Interview

The very nice people at BlogInterviewer.com asked me to answer some of their more probing questions.

So if you want to read my erudite and perspicacious views on life, love and blogging, you need to go here and if you want to help me win some lolly to support my various nefarious habits, including my ugly fascination with sex toys, you need to press the thumb that's pointing upwards. Thanking you kindly x


  1. From the interview, I like the phrase 'experiment with their happiness'.

  2. I voted "thumbs up" for you girlie.

  3. I voted too. Even if I wasn't already reading, I would be now. Great interview.

  4. Mmmm, nefarious...

  5. Oh bloody hell it's taking me an age to find your interview cos you're a daft bint that can't do links and when I tried the home page I got distracted by Ms Robinsons entry.

    I will find it before I lay my head down this night and I will vote. This, I promise you.

    Oh, and I'll vote the right way, too! :oÞ
