Wednesday 29 August 2007

Magnificent 7Ps

With apologies to Gypsy for taking so long to respond to her Magnificent 7Ps tag...

Passion: I'm passionate about everything I do. There's not much point in approaching goals in a half-hearted way because that will be the nature of the subsequent outcome.

Purpose: My purpose is to try to bring my kids to adulthood without them suffering too many traumas on the way. It's really difficult because there are so many peer pressures that you just can't foresee or head off.

Pursuit: My pursuit is, of course, to find happiness. And, since I met Ruf, I can honestly say that I really am so much happier.

Position: Yup, I'm a doggy girl too if you must know - although flat on my back with my legs in the air and Ruf firmly ensconced between them comes a close second :)

Pummelling: I have a black belt in a martial art... so I really do enjoy dishing out a bit of pummelling.

Progress: I think Ive come a long way from that distraught skeletal woman who nearly sank at the end of 2004.

Personality: I try very hard to be a 'cup half full' type of person and most people say they remember me for my smile.

Im supposed to tag someone else, so I pass this on to... BenefitScroungingScum

And then there is another P word that is very firmly on my mind at the moment. This has happened before and, of course, it could just be the vagaries of my advanced age but I guess that I do need to ascertain that that is all it is.

I have bought a test.


  1. Oh bugger! Fingers crossed it's not p for positive, darling xx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ooops, sorry that was me. What i wrote didn't make sense. What i'm trying to say is that i hope the results are as you wish x

  4. Umm would Positive be a bad thing? My youngest would love another sibling but this Mama factory is permamently closed down. So maybe you can just have one for me. =-) I hope you get the answer you desire.


  5. I like your positive attitude and your purpose is really nice. I hope the P test brings the results you want whatever they may be.

  6. Ru-roh, what was the result?

  7. Fingers crossed. Toes crossed. Everything crossed.

  8. Thanks for P for participating Cake, great responses....loved it. Now that other P word, not sure what you are hoping the outcome will be but hope it is the one you seek. Good Luck.

  9. I love the post ... great to learn more about you Cake all in a very positive way.

  10. as everyone else says hope you get the result you want. will it change anything for you and Ruf?

  11. Oh honey, I'll be keeping my fingers very firmly crossed it's the result you truly want, and thinking of you. BG x
    PS, thanks for the tag!

  12. All very admirable "P"s - hope the last one brings the answer you want.
