Sunday 30 September 2007

Sexual Mores

Moving off on a tangent from my post on Internet Responsibility, I started to think about my own sexual journey and that of those people that I have come to know through blogging.

Remembering as ever the vanillaness of my background, I ask what may be very ingenuous and naive questions:

Would so many of us have tried all these different sexual positions, toys, bondage, fetishes if it weren't for our easy access to new ideas about such matters from the Internet? Would many of us have remained perpetually vanilla through ignorance/embarrassment?

Would we have met so many people of a similar persuasion with whom to interact either in virtual or actual reality?

And are we pushed onwards into deeper and darker realms because of our desire to achieve the next thrill, the next big orgasm? Searching and questing for something bigger and deeper every time to satisfy our ever expanding desire. Is there actually a summit to the mountain we keep on climbing... or a bottom to the pit into which we are descending?

Does our Internet access amplify our kinks?

Or are these only natural practices in which humans have been indulging since the dawn of time...?


  1. I can only answer for myself I would not have begun blogging if I hadn't already begun my journey.

    I have asked myself that same question about whether I would need to keep searching for the next thrill going deeper and deeper to find satisfaction. I was worried that could be the case. But I now realise that it isn't. I am quite happy to have vanilla but everything else I have learnt along the way adds a bit of variety and spice without being the be all and end all.

  2. The internet is just a tool, but how one uses it speaks volumes.

    The printed page can provide all the stimulation and education we find so easily on the web, except perhaps not the personalities. Yes, then the internet comes into play.

    Pushed into deeper, darker realms? This is quite ominous, Cake, is it freedom or just expanding the cage? hmmm...

  3. Am I the only blogger not having sex? lol

  4. I think it's all been going on forever, but there's no doubt that it's all much more widely disseminated due to the internet. I actually think that all teenagers should be made to trawl the internet - it might help a lot of them sort out what they really want, and make the ones who feel isolated in their kink less alone.

    As a rule I don't think it influences what I want, sexually, but what it has done has given me more understanding of practices that were alien to me, and makes me less dismissive of what I can't really fathom anyone wanting - there are some things I still can't get my head round, but I don't have a problem with accepting that other people do, a lot.

    I don't think of myself as on a sexual journey though. A journey, definitely, but not as far as sex is concerned. I think I got there a while ago, and now I'm just exploring the town, if anything.

  5. I would have to agree that it's been going on much longer than the Internet has been around; now we're hearing more about it. I think learning about new possibilities may encourage us to try them, but if it wasn't that, it would be something else. Sexual exploration is sexual exploration, with or without the specific techniques learned about online.

  6. ...and of COURSE the internet amplifies it all. The WORLD is amp'd up now, and we have to learn to adapt to it. The freedom that the 'Net offers comes with the constancy of taking responsibility. I am so glad that I do, indeed, have friends out here to do my exploring with, even if it is just in word and thought. In time, we all gravitate to each other somehow. I not only want to keep finding the fun; I want to help you and you and you and did I forget you... It's simply another way of taking care of each other.

  7. I wouldn't have learnt how to squirt if it wasn't from reading how to do it from another blogger! lol

  8. Good Sunday afternoon to you, Cake !

    Internet access definitely deepens my learning. The blogs here are wonderful resources...

    I think deepening kink desires come from wanting to explore and experience more... The quest for knowledge titillates and encourages simultaneously...

    Maybe I am still relatively "vanilla". But I know that the more my posts push boundaries, and the more people seem to be okay with it/like it, the bolder I get and the more I will gradually expose my hunger and willingness to occasionally venture more to the dark side...

    Loving Annie

  9. You cannot imagine how much I have learnt from your blog and your readers Cake. I am embarrassingly naive about a lot of the stuff that is discussed here but I always love to learn new things and who knows? Maybe one day I may even try some of it....*giggle*

  10. yes, it makes me wonder, but I think with most of us the answer would be yes, x

  11. Speaking for myself, the internet hasn’t contributed to my sexual desires.
    I knew what I like and wanted well before I ever touched a computer.
    What it has done is show me there are others out there that think like me.

  12. Folks have been seeking sexual adventure forever. The internet has not only made it easier but has improved the quality. I remember the first porn film I saw in college. Black and white film, female lying naked on a bed, man wearing black socks and black mask enters, fucks in the missionary position. One had to know where to buy these films. With the net one can download high quality films as well as other high quality toys, books, etc. For those who swing, meeting and chatting is much easier. I also think there is a advantage for females to be able to access this information in privateThe more information the better

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. In this way the Internet is one these days need ever have a wierd fetish and think they are a freak, because there are so many different fetishists on the web.

    I think meeting likeminded people on the web made me more open about sex, less repressed, but I was always pretty kinky!

  15. I think the internet is a strange and powerful tool - but it only super sizes interests/feelings we already had.

  16. I think 60% of the people on, say,, would never have heard of BDSM without the internet's existence. That said, they probably would have been miserable bastards not knowing what they were looking for, forever..

    Interesting question, Cake!

  17. It's all been there for a long time and the Internet has made it easy to access the information. I remember when the only way to see anything resembling a naked woman was to buy a Playboy magazine ... then Hustler ... then you wanted a friend who had reel to reel movies. Now we have it all at our fingertips in its glorious wet pink, smacked or screwed beauty ... in the privacy of your own home

  18. Hmmm... Interesting. I've been wondering that since I stumbled in... what? Just a few months ago?

    I'll give one wussy example. I've read widely. (Print.) Read about lube. Know about lube. Never really tried lube. Who needs lube? Seems lube is de rigueur with most bloggers I now read. And now Always Aroused Girl devotes a major post to it. On my trip south on the weekend, I intend on acquiring a HUGE bottle. It's all I can think about.

    For the rest... I'm always discovering something new about myself and it is usually as a result of discovering a new person. Or something new in someone I know...

    The internet lets me encounter, to a greater or lesser degree, new people all over the world. That's the good side to it.

  19. The Internet is the Nouveau Renaissance of information and exchange - many of the younger friends I have, those I know are maybe best called the next generation draw from sex Blogging more then a dark hallway where the only way to find a room is by running both hands along the walls - suddenly there isn't lights but more so the Internet allows eyes to adjust to the absence of.

    I have a line in one of my films that sums up me, asking about sexuality, personal perhaps pornographic is ... "the bra catalog, a few musty videos, and the rest as they say, is the Internet".

    xoxo Rups

  20. I think sexual evolution has been amplified by the internet. Knowledge and availability are a potent mix. Desires which were once in the domain of the few are now the expectation of many.
