Monday 8 October 2007

The Big Day

Well, my period finally arrived and with a vengeance... which I suppose is understandable for the first one after that sort of procedure.

So I rang my doctors this morning to make the appointment for the IUD fitting. There I was thinking it would be easy enough to sort out. In the end, there was actually only one available appointment in the required time frame - 2.45 today. This meant that I could not go to work so will not get paid :(

However, I was not really in any position to argue since the option to wait until next month was not very appealling and there was no guarantee that making an appointment to fit in with my shifts, my cycle and their booking schedule will be any easier. So let's get it over with. It didn't help that I saw a friend who was telling me how her new Mirena coil had been fitted under general anaesthetic because the gynaecologist had said it would be too painful to do whilst she was awake as she hadn't had children. Mind you, she was there for medical reasons other than just plain contraception so maybe there were other factors.

Whatever, I went for the appointment full of trepidation and got on the couch. The speculum went in fine and I lay there for about 15 minutes whilst she prodded about and I experienced discomfort ranging from mild to pregnancy panting scale but she couldn't get my cervix to open to admit the dilator. This is a fairly common problem in women who have not given birth naturally. She was hoping that the fact that I had dilated to 7cms in my first pregnancy before my emergency caesarean would be enough but they only have one size of dilator in the surgery and it was too big to insert into the aperture being provided.

Fortunately I have managed to secure an appointment tomorrow morning at the local Family Planning clinic where they have several different sizes of dilator so they can start with the smallest and work up. As you can imagine, I am viewing the prospect with a great deal of enthusiasm... NOT!

If I didn't like sex so much...


  1. Well, I suppose it will be worth it in the end. You want your fella to come inside you, don't you? I must admit I'm slightly looking forward to reading about it.

  2. Best of luck for tomorrow. It should be a much easier experience at the family planning clinc, they are so much more used to fitting coils, plus as you say have different equipment. They may want to insert it with the aid of colposcopy.

    I've never had a pregnancy but dilated without any problems to get the coil in when it was done by a skilled consultant (I'm a little smaller than you too so that shouldn't be a worry either) Although, you may want to check they are using the smallest model of coil possible.

    Pain wise it should be fine once someone more specialised is doing the insertion, it certainly wouldn't inserted with a general anaesthetic in my neck of the woods! You only get a spray of local if you're really lucky, and local's don't work properly on people with EDS so I had it done without and don't remember it being particularly painful, though I suspect it would have been with an inexperienced practice nurse or GP attempting it.

    Good luck, do email if you want to ask anything, BG x

  3. GB - I do, I do

    BG - Thank you, I feel so much happier after reading that x
    I think my doc is pretty skilled as she also fits IUDs at the FPA but I just think she was struggling because they only had the one size of dilator and it was the wrong size for me.

  4. I have a set of 3 different sized dilators that the hospital insisted I used daily whilst going through my radiotherapy as I point blank refused to have intercourse with SF. I did't use them as much as I should have done and often kept to the smallest one sometime the medium but not the largest....
    how I regret that now. If I had goe along with the instructions I might not be so shallow and tight as I am now. Although having a tight cunt is very much appreciated more depth would be welomed by most.

    Due to my cancer I have had many internal examinations and am now quite used to the speculum which now just causes mild discomfort.

    as already said good luck and hope all goes well

  5. Oh, Cake, after reading your post, I sit here with my legs crossed... tight. I was also glad to read the comments that say it should go well tomorrow. And I truly hope it does. :-)

  6. Can you not put some kind of 'look away now' warning on when you talk about women's things like they do when we don't want to know the fottbally results before MoTD?

  7. *winces*

    I'll be thinking of ya, hunny!

  8. I was squeezing my legs tight shut too. I'm a real wuss when it comes to things like this and yet I laid there and pushed too babies out in one go like I was relaxing at a day spa. Go figure.

  9. I meant TWO babies. I really should read before I publish.

  10. I'm really surprised to hear your friend went under general for the mirena. I was in and out of the doctors within 5 minutes. Yeah, it hurt, and bad pains afterwards, but it's worth it.

    Only problem I had, was I had to wait 3 months to get the coil fitted, because only the one doctor in our surgery does the insertion and he only does one a week! (twat)

  11. good luck but I'm not sure I'll be able to read about the procedure...feeling squeamish just thinking about it.

  12. Once again, I can't imagine what it must be like to go through all that. I have only admiration.

    Makes my snip seem like a walk in the park by comparison.

    I hope it all goes (went)smoothly.
