Tuesday 16 October 2007

The Cherry Picker

I knew the Cherry Picker for several of my teenage years as just a good friend. We had often discussed our sex lives and my sad, juvenile encounters paled into insignificance beside his tales of his own expertise. He had always promised me that, if I ever wanted some help in that area, he would be willing to help me out! Which, of course, always made me laugh... and run away.

He was what seems to be my 'type'. Average height, dark hair, chunky and strong. At the age of 18, he was quite the Adonis with his chiselled cheek bones and cute bottom and at a disco not long after my 18th birthday, somehow or other we ended up smooching and kissing and starting a relationship.

He knew that, despite my large number of admirers, I was still, technically, a virgin. I think, in many ways, this was part of my appeal. Popular amongst his friends, yet unconquered by any of them. Well that, combined with my possession of a fabulous arse and a pair of wonderfully pert breasts that could stand up on their own without the aid of a bra - a fact which I was keen to demonstrate under diaphanous blouses on a regular basis. He certainly enjoyed the eventual kudos.

The first time he touched me sexually was a revelation. Bearing in mind that my previous intimacies had all been with very inexperienced boys who clearly had absolutely no idea what they were meant to be achieving with their fumbling fingers, you can imagine my elation when I discovered that the Cherry Picker really did know what he was doing. He had spoken the truth about his experience and abilities. We were upstairs at my house in the spare room with the TV that was used by us kids to entertain our mates.

He was sitting on a chair and I was standing between his legs. Having kissed me into a state of glorious abandon, his hands were up my skirt before you could say... well anything really! Caressing and tickling at my thighs to arouse my latent urges. Playing with my clit and then sliding his fingers inside me. All the way inside me. None of this poking around at the entrance wondering what it was all about. He went straight to my gspot and started rubbing it. To say that I yelled with a curious shocked pleasure would be an understatement. In fact, over the next few weeks, I had to learn to tone it down considerably since my father was invariably downstairs watching the TV. The Cherry Picker seemed to take great pleasure in the length and volume of the screams I had to stifle. Yes, he really was that good :)

I believe there may have been some mutual wanking but you'll have to excuse me if my memories all focus on his extremely successful attempts to introduce me to the joys of finger stimulation.

One day he told me that his friend was having a 'house party'. I had never heard of such a thing. This guy lived with his parents in a big house in the posh part of town. His parents were going away and he was inviting a selected group of friends to party and then an even more carefully chosen few to stay the night. We had been allocated one of the bedrooms...

So, this was it! The night I was finally going to get rid of my cherry. As I recall, we didn't actually wait for the party to end before retiring to our room. It was very pretty. Possibly Laura Ashley but all cream and flowery with matching pillowcases and bedlinen. The sheets were cool and crisp beneath our naked skin as he built up my desire with his fingers and eventually deflowered me with alacrity.

Did the earth move for me? I don't really recall. I know it was a very pleasurable experience and one which I was very keen to repeat again with shockingly indecent haste that same evening. For the next few months of that summer, we continued to be a couple, sharing a double bed at the houses of various friends for 'house parties'. He introduced me to fellatio and cunnilingus, both of which I enjoyed immensely, although I do seem to recall that I wasn't particularly taken with the taste of semen. However, being a dutiful and grateful girlfriend, I invariably swallowed to please him. For someone so relatively young, his lovemaking seemed excellent and, happily, I came often, although mostly it was through his fingers rather than his cock.

Come the September, he went away to University oop North. I wrote religiously every week until his replies became more sporadic and I knew the inevitable had happened and there was someone else. Not that I hadn't had other distractions myself in the form of a Sugar Daddy, but nothing physical.

At our final parting I was very sad to lose such a good lover and we remained good friends. Indeed, I was having a drink with him in the January just before he went back to Uni for the Spring term when I was introduced to the man who would become my Husband.


  1. Wow, he certainly WAS a good cherry picker! Most people dont have it that good with their first time!

  2. I read somewhere that it takes a bit of nimble fingerwork to bring most women to their climax.

  3. Good Tuesday afternoon Cake !

    What a wonderful introduction to making love your Cherry Picker was - skilled and consistent in his attention towards you.

    Fingers and g-spots. Moan. Oh yeahhh, he was DEFINITELY a winner.

    Every girl should have her 'first' treat her so well -

    Loving Annie

  4. Jeez, I love the name; Cherry Picker. I think some guys are just natural born lovers, you know? You got LUCKY to have that Cherry Picker as your first.

  5. What a lovely post. How lucky you are that your first experience still brings back happy memories.

  6. My first time certainly did not have the same abandon and euphoria as yours. As I recall we spent most of the time laughing at our own ineptness but its still a sweet memory.

  7. What a lovely first time...I still cringe at the memories of mine!

  8. What a great post! It's so nice you have lovely memories of your "first."

  9. Good post and a wonderful memory I am sure. You were probably one of the luckier ones ... I can remember being with girls and was constantly more interested in getting my rocks off than hers. I was probably pretty typical.

  10. will you post any pics friday, its national stocking day, x

  11. Goodness, I hadnt realised it was that uncommon to enjoy your deflowering :)

    Wayne - re National Stocking Day, there seems to be some confusion over whether it is the 19th or the 20th. I shall give it some thought and if I have time...
