Thursday 22 November 2007

The Driving Lesson

Take the next turning on the right and pull over. Remember, mirror, signal, manoeuvre please, Mr. Smith"

"That's the ticket. You're doing very well. Now, if you could just pull into this small gap, down the beaten track to the end. Put the car into neutral, engage the handbrake and switch off the engine, please. I think we'll run through some of the finer points of the Highway Code. You should bear in mind that this will be done under strict test conditions so I will not be able to help you."

Checking the top sheet of my clipboard, I place it carefully on the floor in front of my seat and duck under your outstretched arm to slide across the central console. Making sure your hands are replaced firmly on the steering wheel in the correct position at '10 to 2', I straddle your lap and start unbuttoning your shirt. You have a rainbow of different coloured garments but you're wearing the black today. It's the one I like best. My favourite shirt on my most gifted pupil. So, one button at a time, trailing my finger down to the next and kissing your chest as it reveals itself to me. Running my tongue over the tattoo that runs down the top of your arm from your shoulder, licking the space between your nipples - slight detour to the nipple bar for a suck - soft kisses over your solar plexus and down, lapping at the smooth little rolls of skin and the ripples of muscle underneath, feeling something pressing up against me through your jeans.

I take off my glasses and place them carefully on the dashboard, followed by the clip from my hair and shake out the cloud of soft curls. Kissing you full on the mouth, inserting my tongue as your lips open to receive it. My hands are on the button of your trousers and you are throbbing as I gently pull down the zipper. I have to look down to check things out and it's so beautiful, just smiling up at me. I am compelled to stroke it with one hand, whilst I reach under my blouse and undo my bra with the other so I can press my naked nipple into your mouth. I can feel myself exploding inside as your tongue touches the tip, your lips encircle it and suck...

It's no good, I have to have you inside me so I lift up my skirt, push aside my thong and slip onto it, slowly pressing down to take the first couple of inches inside me. Your hands move to touch me, just sliding them down my spine and feeling me shiver at their progress. Watching the goosebumps coming up as you suck harder on my nipple and I push it against your tongue. Resting your fingertips lightly on the small of my back, tickling your little fingers against the curve of my bottom and then starting to push carefully into me: slowly, slowly in and then out again as I touch myself, pressing and circling my fingers and then leaning my other hand behind me between your legs and stroking your balls through your jeans whilst my mouth admonishes you:

"Mr Smith! Keep your hands on the steering wheel and your eyes on the road even if we aren't moving. You'll never pass the test if you don't obey the rules of the Highway Code!"

Rising up and down on you and gripping your thighs with my knees, feeling my muscles screaming with the pressure as I hold you deep inside me, clenching my pelvic floor and drawing your further in, leaving you conscious of nothing more than how wet I am and how much I want you. You gasp at every contraction, feeling me press down hard against you, listen to my moans of desire. So full and so happy and knowing that any minute, any second, we're both going to feel that rush, that exhilaration of total release as my body sucks yours dry.

And then my fingers are pressing into your shoulders and we're writhing against each other... mouths, torsos, groins... as hard and as fast as we can, draining every last ounce of energy until everything is exploding, wet and hot as we collapse against each other...

Readjusting my clothing and rebuttoning your jeans and your shirt, I slip back under your extended arm, the hand still fixed on the steering wheel. Regaining my position in the passenger seat, I use the mirror behind the sunvisor to check my hair and reapply my lipstick before consulting my clipboard to tick the requisite boxes on the sheet.

"Congratulations, Mr. Smith, you have just successfully satisfied the needs of your examiner with regard to the criteria for this section of your examination...."


  1. Now THAT's what I call a driving lesson!!! Just who was doing the driving is what I want to

  2. But you didn't pull the pins from your hair at the same time you removed your glasses!
    I do hope Mr Smith went to on to satisfy the examiner in the oral exam to!!

  3. Awesome Cake ... that is a play scene that I never thought of ... I'm going to try it and then when it's over, I'll certainly pay tribute to you.

  4. I think this would make quite a provocative scene in a movie so glad the driver didnt hit a bump in the road or had to hit the brakes hard while you were *attending* lol

  5. Practical is always so much more satisfying than theory don't you think? I quite fancy a test drive myself after reading that!

  6. Oooh, what a delicious idea! Cake, you're so creative. I love it! Although in my fantasies, I'd be the one receiving instruction. No one wants me teaching them how to drive; I'm awful!

  7. gypsy - It was a fantasy that I had some years ago... no-one specific

    pixie - I felt multitasking might detract from the moment. Slowly... slowly...

    george - why, thank you x

    robert - Pay attention! Like any good driving instructor worth her salt, I specifically got the car off the road, into neutral, handbrake engaged and engine switched off before I indulged my carnal lusts! I had an urge, not a deathwish! Tsk... It is patently obvious that you are in need of additional driving lessons as Im sure it says in the Highway Code that you should never allow the car to be in motion if the driver is unsighted or distracted. For holding a mobile phone, you can get 3 points and a fine so Im not sure what penalty the above scenario would have attracted, not least for lewd behaviour on the public highway :)

    Middy, do they do tank driving lessons? Id love to be in charge of a tank :)

    Marcelle - I never claimed to be any good at the driving part did I? LMAO

  8. I had a female driving test examiner, but my test was nothing like that. Probably why I failed first time round... Dammit.

  9. yikes I guess i became enamored of the story cake and forgot the earlier details bloody yankee right?? Thankfully I do pay attention to the aforementioned safety lessons you named off perhaps sometime you can indulge in a story located on a train choo chooo chugga chugga I shall pay closer attention :)

  10. Delightful! Nice driving, Mr. Smith.

  11. You write very well.
