Monday 26 November 2007


I was trying to categorise the writing style within my Blog recently and the best I could come up with was:

Barbara Cartland meets Playboy... but without the Silicon.

How would you describe your Blog?


  1. Well! I came hoping to see an HNT from you but no such luck. :-(

    Oh well. I enjoy reading you anyway. :-) Good story and I like the meme.

    My blog? about

    "Tyler Durden has a threesome with Robert Heinlein and Kate Hudson."

    Like swinging a cat by the tail...

  2. Barbara Cartland meets Playboy... but without the Silicon.

    Love it! Absolutely fits.

    I'm gonna have to think about mine now.

  3. LOL!

    For me.. I dunno.. no idea, really..

  4. The Inside of My Head meets My Keyboard, with Hunter S Thompson filtered out,


    Self-Obsession 101

    You underrate yourself with Barbara Cartland, though :)

  5. barbarella meets rory gilmore.


  6. When I bring it back, I want it to be the same...

    "The old prospector discovers Viagra...and begin his research..."

  7. KS, This week I promise... Wasn't Tyler Durden the guy out of Fight Club? Kate Hudson is Goldie Hawn's sprog but I've no idea who Robert Heinlein is.

    Vi, I like that!

    Tom, I'm waiting...

    Isa, Come on, you can do better than that! You're a published author...

    Z, I like that! As to Barbara Cartland, I guess I don't use asterisks...

    Thyme, It's American, I dont think we get that over here.

    Ron, We wouldnt have it any other way x

  8. Hmmmmm - that's a great question.

    I have no idea. When I figure that out... I'll be back.

  9. Probably the most difficult blog question I have ever heard ... how about no style?

  10. For Bittersweet Me i can only think - Blue Peter Triple X

    I agree with z' s Barbara Cartland comment :)

  11. When I had a blog, it was likened to nattering with the girls in Starbucks. I'm not sure I would admit to any literary pretensions - I see too many people with those already.

  12. Anne Of Green Gables meets Fanny Hill whilst having therapy from Melanie Klein.

  13. AB - Im still waiting!

    George - You definitely have some style x

    Me - Blue Peter Triple X. LMAO

    Holly - Hello and Welcome. There's nothing the matter with girls nattering at Starbucks :)

    Pixie - God, Id forgotten how much I loved Anne of Green Gables on the TV.

  14. those words .. *sigh* very stirring

    delighted you are back and fully functioning once more!
