Thursday 27 December 2007

Cause and Effect

Sugasm #112 Editors Choice

I love the way that happens.

Half-conscious in the soft glow of the morning light with the remnant of a pleasant dream.

Experiencing the pervasive hot surge deep inside me; the pulse of energy as the ephemeral essence of the thought translates itself from my brain to transmit a shock of electricity that centres in the most sensitive part of the flesh between my legs.

Kick-starting a shivering chain reaction of activity coursing through me as my nipples stand to attention and the blood engorges the soft folds, until my entire being is focussed in that one place.

Overwhelming me with the uncontrollable desire to touch that spot. To tease out the pleasure that is teetering on the edge.

But how much better if a warm hand is drawn by the heat and a much-loved voice whispers in my ear 'You're wet baba'

Wet? Of course I'm wet.

From the slow realisation that I'm in your bed as the receptors in my body respond to the smell of your pheromones, followed by the touch of your skin.

All the little alarm bells are going off in the relevant areas.

Tiny excited cells rushing around making ready.

Sirens and hooters blaring the warning: 'Incoming, Incoming!'

And the lubricators prepare the ground for your imminent arrival...


  1. I'm upset about Benazir Bhutto too.

  2. Best description of morning sex foreplay that I have ever read.

    Yay Cake

  3. Morning sex is just the best way to wake up.

  4. No Christmas break for getting turned on then? You are truly dedicated to pleasure, Ms Cake.

  5. Your version of 'incoming incoming' sounds much nicer than what I've been used to HMC!

  6. Have a wet and wild morning and evening and...happy new year!

  7. I'm wondering what you got for Christmas Cake.....Oh never mind, I'm pretty sure I can guess. Lucky you!

  8. OK, Actually I am. I only saw it on the news an hour or so after I posted. Benazir Bhutto was an amazingly brave woman who played Russian Roulette with the more unstable portion of her country's population for a very long time. It is a tragedy that someone who had such a high profile both abroad as well as in her own country will no longer be able to continue the fight for democracy in that region because of this horrible event.

    Blows kisses at George

    Brainiac chick - Hello... aint it just :)

    GB - I am a self-confessed hedonist but I havent had sex for five days now so Im reduced to writing about it instead. I know it's tough but Im afraid you're all just going to have to bear with me over this ;P

    Middy - You were of course the inspiration behind that line x

    Mr DNA - Can you write that in bold capital letters just in case he needs reminding...

    Emma - That was pre-Xmas. Im hoping to spend NYE in a similar manner. Happy New Year to you too x

    Gypsy - I got the Story of O and Im about to go get stuck into it x

  9. Wonderful isn't it, when just the thought causes that rush! As usual you capture it all so perfectly Cake x

  10. The Eagle has landed :)

    Sex in the morning rocks, in every direction ;)

  11. cake, you are a titillating writer. I'm laying in bed reading this, and now I need to go play. thank you ;)

  12. Morning sex is the best - relaxed, no worries, still half way in dreamland. Loved your wonderful description! :)

  13. I'm a super soaker in the AM's cause I know that bone is gonna be HUGE! :) Nice cake!

  14. BG - The thought rush is very pleasant but the real thing is fabulous x

    Walker - It certainly does, particularly when it's not a regular occurrence.

    IGICS - Enjoy x

    Speak Sexy - Thank you :)

    UW - Indeed, huge bone = extra icing for Cake :)

    RLL - Hello and Welcome

  15. Most men cheat for "sex", most women cheat for "love and affection". But not all!

    I was confused by the poll on your sidebar at first. It's clear now :)

    Morning sex? Absolutely. Followed by shower sex, breakfast table sex...

  16. Happy New Year 2008 to you, Cake !

  17. You know, it's the only way I can actually bring myself to wake up in the morning. Delicious post as always!

  18. urgh, you've made me realise what I'm missing out on!

  19. I love morning sex, but loathe morning breath.

    The older I get the more smell and taste matter.

  20. Beautiful descriptive writing, as always, Cake! Happy New Year to you and all good wishes for all you desire!

  21. *sigh* Lovely Cake, just lovely.

    Have a very happy New Year!

  22. I'm with Marcelle. Morning sex is the only time I don't wake up with nothing in my head but the need for coffee.

    Happy New Year xxxxxxx

  23. I hop eyou have a great year coming up and a Happy New Year's eve.
    I know you will :)

  24. Woah! Sound like you're having a happy new yeat.

    Check out the give-away on my blog. I think that you'll be glad you did.
