Thursday 20 December 2007

Ode to Ruf

I love the way your smiles depress the dimple in your cheek
The way you kiss me roughly leaves me trembling and weak
I love the way your stubble prickles rough against my chin
And how your fingers softly stroke their way across my skin

I love the way you wake me with an early morning gift
I could never disappoint you by responding with short shrift
I love to snuggle backwards, feel the strength of your desire
Your body pressing closer til my nipples are on fire

I love the way Soduko makes your forehead crease and frown
The way you hold me tightly when my hormones make me drown
I love it when I lick your cock and listen to you moan
And suck at the last dribbles til your sighs become a groan

I love the way you pull me close when sleeping in our bed
The way you kiss me softly on my neck or on my head
I love the way we both ensure we're wrapped up warm and tight
Unless we're naked wrestling - which will end up in a fight

I love the way you mock me, saying 'class' don't rhyme with 'farce'
I'm surprised how much I loved it when you took me up the arse
I love it when you say my tits and bum are mighty fine
But most of all I love it cos I know that you're all mine

Merry Christmas Ruf
With lots of love x


  1. I love this. It was awesome.
    Thanks for visiting.
    Come by anytime. :)

  2. How sweet was that?! I take it the motorway eventually relinquished you then?

    Have a lovely pre-christmas, both of you xx

  3. Sweeeet! This is fabulous. I wish I could get my man to write something like this for me. Ahh well, All I can hope for is he gets me that double headed dildo that I wrote on my x-mas list!

  4. I can't believe you just wrote a poem using the word "arse.' You rock! What a beautiful love poem. Hope Ruf rewarded you for your creativity.

  5. I'm happy for you Cake. What a great way to end the year for you two.

    Have a wonderful Holiday.

  6. This was lovely - and excellent poetry to boot!

    xx Dee

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. That was very endearing Cake. Hope you and Ruf celebrate the Christmas spirit in your own unique way...;)

  9. Awwww!

    That was so adorably sweet, i'm all warm and fuzzy now.

    Hugs to you both, and happy HTML... er, cough, I mean holidays...

    J x

  10. wow, this is ridiculously great. you are talented. i hate you for your i dont really.

    well done. merry christmas, and a happy new year!

  11. Cyris - Thank you

    Ange - 6.5 bloody hours!

    UW - Avoid disappointment and buy your own double headed dildo and get him to wrap it :)

    RHE - Ruf said he thought that line was a little forced! I shall be chastising him later.

    AB - Happy Hols to you too x

    Dee - Thank you.

    Gypsy - We are having pre-Xmas this weekend x

    Juno - My very helpful and generous friend. It worked thanks to your guidance. Happy Hols x

    IGICS - Hello, Welcome and Merry Xmas to you too x

  12. so cute :)

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you both x

  13. Wow, you are ever so talented in so many ways. Ruf is one lucky guy for sure ;)

    Happy Holidays my dear, you so deserve to end the year right, that's for sure!

    Live it up and be good to yourself. ;)

  14. Have a lovely Christmas, Cake. Your poem is beautiful.

  15. are always good enough to eat! Happy Holidays, honey!

  16. He;s a lucky man! I hope you have a lovely christmas and that you get to spend some time together, hugs BG x

  17. Having my Cake, Merry Christmas to you! Loads of warm wishes warmly wished for this festive season! xoxo Rups

  18. class and farce DO rhyme!!!!

    Have a great xmas!!!

  19. merry christmas to you cake xx

  20. Merry Christmas... thanks for your comments through the year.


  21. You know what you like and love.
    Merry Christmas

  22. Move over Wendy Cope! Brilliant poem!

    Merry Christmas Cake! Oops, I mean 'Merry Christmas, Cake' :)

  23. Ruf is a lucky guy to have you with your way with words. And no doubt other skills!!!
    have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  24. hi honey, have a great christmas, xx

  25. Merry Christmas Cake, to you and your family and of course, the enigmatic Ruf. Hope 2008 sees your relationship reach new heights.

  26. If you ever want a real bit of ruf just let me know.

  27. Me - Thank you and the same to you hohoho x

    Plethora - Thank you, I shall ensure that Ruf realises his good fortunte :)

    Nitebyrd - Merry Christmas to you too x

    Ron - I am a yummy mummy :)

    BG - We had a lovely pre-Xmas. He is so sweet, he even cooked me an Xmas dinner :)

    Rups - Merry Christmas to my favourite cracker x

    Vi - Exactly! Class does not rhyme with ass...

    Peach/Dazza/Walker - Have a great festive season you guys x

    Toby - Xmas Cake, I love it! Im going to have to look up Wendy Cope in the New Year

    Pixie/Wayne/LiR/Gypsy - Christmas hugs all round x

    OK - Now that's something I would love to see - a 'ruf-off' between the two of you x

  28. Merry Christmas, I hope you got lots of nice things and had plenty of frolics in santa outfits and the like too!

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