Wednesday 5 December 2007


I want you to watch me from across the room, responding to other men flirting outrageously with me.

I want you to see the lust in their eyes, notice their hands fondling my waist and my hair, totally enveloping me with their hugs and pressing their lips against my cheek.

I want you to be excited by their interest... not jealous, but gratified by the knowledge of your ownership; completely secure because, even though you cannot claim me in public, you are the one who will be taking me home tonight.

Once there, I want you to leave your marks upon me. When I am back in my other life in the cold light of day, I will admire the red contusions on my alabaster skin and glory in the memories they evoke. The ferocity of your mouth, your teeth biting on the delicate flesh of my breasts and bottom, making me dizzy as you suck at me proprietorially.

I want to sit on your face and have you devouring my innermost secrets, before slipping out from underneath and taking your possession from behind. My back against your chest as you grip my hips to control me and pull them back against you. And then, with one hand, pressing my neck forwards and up, forcing my face into the wall as you slide into me.

I want you to admire my back stretched out defenceless before you. The proud musculature of my shoulders, the definition of my slender waist as it curves softly into my glorious bottom. Your hands holding firm on my hip and neck as you pump harder and harder, relishing the thud each time my skull hits the paintwork.

I want to know that you think about those other men, imagine their envy and revel in your mastery.

I want to hear you hoarsely whispering: 'You're my fuckbitch... my thing... to do whatever I want with.'

'My fuckthing.'

'Mine!' as you ride me, screaming, into oblivion, spraying your scent between my legs as surely as if you were marking your territory.

For you are my man and I belong to you.


  1. *fans self*

    Whew! Is it hot in here, or is it you?

  2. oooo, you make me want some of that!

  3. That's it. That's what I need this morning.... some cake...:) I hear it's good for me...

  4. I really have to stop reading your blog at work, Cake. *whew!*

  5. SWEET!! & HOT....... nice, very nice!

  6. "I want to sit on your face"

    Ah, so that's why the big nose is an asset. I should imagine it's better than riding a horse.

  7. That sounded pussy licking good to me but you would see it as cock sucking good.
    Ok now I need a smoke

    Have a great day

    Oh I have added you to my blogroll if it's ok

  8. That's one lucky guy.

    But I think he knows that.

  9. Very sexy darling.

  10. Possession can feel fiercely good, inspire such mutual pride...

  11. Tom - It's your age hon x

    Vi - You'll have to fight me for him

    Ron - Absolutely, no calories here

    Nitebyrd - You can still access blogs from work?

    Jstzznu - Thank you

    GB - Im more of a tongue girl myself which is just as well as Ruf does not have a big nose.

    Walker - Of course, thank you

    AB - With a few pushes in the right direction, I think he's starting to realise it :)

    Ange - Thank you

    Annie - That's it, mutual pride

  12. Love it, love it, love it... it's so cool to get a window on someone else's fantasies.

  13. GS - This one was actually for real. No italics - see?

  14. Sounds perfect, except I'd have also pulled your hair. heh.

  15. Wow! Extremely hot stuff.

    GB...a man's nose would have to be a vertitable trunk to be much use on the vaginal stimulation front IMHO!

  16. Cake, that is so hot. Really, really hot. When John and I were out together, he used to get so visibly turned on by seeing bartenders try to pick me up and men smile at me at parties. So, way to use your powers of hotness, sassy gal!

  17. Knowing that other men (and women) are interested in my partner, sexually, really turns my crank because I know that no matter how much they want you ... I am the one who will fuck you tonight. Gets me hot just thinking about it

  18. Yikes. I discovered this blog at Boxer's Holiday Party. I'll be back!

  19. The power of the pussy eh Cake. Way to go you sexy beast.

  20. Tell us what you *really* want! ;) Hotsa motsa!

  21. You are so RIGHT ON with this post! That's exactly how I want my man to feel/react when other men are hitting on me.

    It's a little cave-womanish of us to want to feel so "possessed" isn't it? ;) Mmmm...

  22. Totally the opposite for me.
    The idea of being 'owned',
    'possessed' is surely the worst
    possible feeling for me with
    jealousy a close second.

    What a wonderful writer you are,
    so 'free' and yet, ..

    I do enjoy your thoughts for they
    are yours.

    First time here, I'll be back.


  23. Hello Katie - Thank you for your kind words. Ownership and possession are two such strange concepts because I actually find it quite empowering in a weird way. Perhaps he frees me from the dominance of my own boundaries. I need to analyse this.
