Wednesday 30 January 2008


Tagged by Dazza. Seven things I approve of...

People being nice to each other - I really don't like anyone to think badly of me. I try very hard to be diplomatic and follow Thumper's Mother's Advice of 'If you can't say something nice, then don't say nuffink at all'. Sometimes I fail but if I said something that offended, it was just a bad choice of words on my part and I apologise.

Imported American television series - What would I do without the whole Star Trek franchise, Babylon 5, CSI, West Wing, Hill St Blues, NYPD Blue, ER, Damages, Desperate Housewives, 6' Under, Frasier. All classics that stand watching and rewatching ad nauseum.

Blogging - Having an online diary has been the most wonderful experience. It has allowed me to expose my soul and free myself from my own restrictions.

Electronic communication devices - Email, messenger, webcam, forums and texting. The means to meet and then access all my friends on the worldwide web. Priceless.

Sex - My rediscovery of this wonderful pastime has been a revelation. Thanks Ruf x

Optimism - A cup half full every time!

Gravy with everything - Nuf said...


  1. I nearly put American tv on my list! Apart from UK soaps, the rest is all USA shows.

  2. Mmm, gravy! Goodness you and I are similar ;) BG

  3. I so miss NYPD Blue. Absolutely Fabulous was my #1 UK import.

    Sex and gravy, (not together. Although ...) 2 of my favorites, too!

  4. Vi- Im afraid I dont do UK soaps any more - once they all started to go more than twice a week, I just couldnt spare the time to keep up.

    BG - LMAO. Great minds eat alike!

    Nitebyrd - The UK do do some great programmes as well. Historical costume dramas and serialisation of classics and some unforgettable comedy. Channel 4 put the last few series of NYPD Blue on after midnight on a week night and showed them very erratically so I lost the plot after the Danny Sorenson became Sipowicz's partner.

    Sex and gravy - not so far-fetched methinks! Not being very keen on chocolate, I really do wonder what it would be like to lick gravy off the male anatomy. Ruf will only permit vegan gravy and thinks the whole idea sounds very messy. Im working on it :)

  5. Hmmm, sex and gravy... might have to think about that one. Nice list of nice things.


  6. Lol... I am slightly addicted to Facebook, and someone recently sent me a message that read "I love my computer because my friends live in it".

    It's true that the InterWeb has made the world seem a smaller place, and I know there is so much more out there that I haven't explored - just watched a documentary on BB2 about Second Life... ever been tempted?

  7. Do you know, there's not a lot in your list I could argue with.

    I would have probably put "politeness" instead of your first one but that's more semantics than anything else.

  8. Webcams.. something I havent done.

  9. "Gravy with everything" ooooh, now your talking. xox Rups
