Thursday 3 January 2008


Lying on my back with Ruf kneeling between my thighs. One foot on his shoulder and the other wrapped around his left hip, spreading my legs as wide as I can to allow the tulip wand stimulator unimpeded access to my clit, I feel the familiar waves start to wash over me, pulsating from my brain to my nether regions.

This is the point where he penetrates me. Pushing the hard length extending from his body inch by inch into my core, feeling the trembling, throbbing flesh open at its touch and close around him as the orgasm clenches everything tight. Listening as my gasps become moans, gradually increasing in volume as I start to lose control and the moans develop into a scream.

Allowing the wave to pass over, the power of speech returns and I beseech him 'Don't stop, don't stop' so he rejoins his efforts. Concentrates his attentions on providing me with what I seek, what we both know is lurking there, waiting to be teased out, just teetering on the brink. I rack up the tempo on the tulip to maximum and he can feel me jolting around him with the new intensity of the vibration. Slowly he increases the rhythm of his own thrusts.

I know his knees must be getting sore, he has been pleasuring me for hours with only small naps to refract. Flipping me from one position to the next and rewarded by climax after climax from his efforts. He shows no signs of fatigue but he must be getting tired...

... and yet I am relentless.

Demanding that he continue because I can feel it building. Sense it coming to fruition, the culmination of all his hard work. The heat in my toes, leeching its way up my calves and over my knees, settling for a moment into my thighs and squeezing the muscles around him.

Tightening my buttocks and arching my back, the warm flush leaves its pink markings on the flat white skin of my belly and the soft full alabaster breasts.

One arm flung out, the other gripped vice-like upon the handle of the stimulator, it creeps up my neck and reddens my cheeks before pixellating my vision, forcing my mouth open and making its escape as an uncontrollably long shrill shriek of fulfilment.

As it fades into the distance in a tingling shiver that ripples back down to my toes, I become aware of him giggling and he whispers:

'That was sooooo loud!'


  1. You must have mirrors on the walls to pick up all those details! They'd surely be a good investment if you don't!

  2. Living vicariously here. :)

    But I am sooo loud when it's that good. And I like it loud. I like expressing myself and letting go.

    That was a great read :)

  3. Ah, how jealous I am of those that have no teens in the house to worry about!

  4. Lucky you, having a guy who wants to make you come for hours !!!!!
    Screaming like that just means you are feeling incredibly GOOD !

  5. Bravo, Ruf! What a lovely man to want to hear, feel and see your ultimate pleasure. Even if you were really loud. ;)

  6. Glad to hear a woman being LOUD and PROUD of it! Love that!

  7. Sometimes you just got to let it go even if you give the neighbours a stroke.

    That was great writing and what a memory.

  8. I'm not a screamer.

    But I wish I was.


  9. HaHa ... reminds me of a hot friend who was dating a guy and they were breaking up. He wanted it one last time so they went at it in the basement of his parents home. Parents and siblings were upstairs ... to piss him off she did the whole screaming thing, very loud .. a lot of deepers, harders, oh baby nobody fucks me as well as you ... and then, like you the spine tingling howl of orgasm.

    Beauty, eh?

  10. Yawn,
    So, you came. So what?

  11. GB - Sadly no mirrors around the bed, only the magic one against the wall.

    Brainiac chick/Ange/Ron - When Ruf draws attention to it, I actually get rather embarrassed and try to contain the next few. But, by trying to control it, I lose the ability to really let go with the sensations that are overwhelming me and it acts like a brake. I think pre-kids I was rather vocal but after sixteen years of clamping up, the freedom to ride the wave is wonderful.

    Annie/Nitebyrd - That man is amazing. So giving. What more can I say? It would be churlish not to enjoy it :)

    Walker - Thank you. We have returned to that particular position a couple of times now with similar success. It's becoming a favourite :)

    AB - But are you subconsciously suppressing? Just open wide and see what happens.

    George - LMAO. What a great story.

    dontcare - Oh dear. One wonders if you are a man who really doesnt or a woman who is with such a man. Ah well, thanks for stopping by and perhaps one of the other subjects I have addressed will pique your interest.

  12. Ha ha! Reminds of the time some jokers in the street provided an echo of my gf. It was a hot summer night and we had the windows open. Funny and embarrassing at the same time :)

  13. See I knew I shouldn't have come here when I needed to cool down....Goodness is it hot in here or is it just me??? I'm soooo jealous.

  14. *laughing my ass off* It must really have been loud for him to giggle! ahhh, very well done!

  15. Any sex that results in a giggle for either party is really, really good, intimate sex.

    We SO need to soundproof the master bedroom walk-in closet/dungeon of doom.

  16. Now that is an orgasm!

    You described it deliciously, as well :)

    xx Dee

  17. Wonderfully described as usual and soooo inspiring. Got to go

  18. I've got some excellent desert camo knee protectors if you'd like to borrow them? You can stay knelt for hours in relative comfort. They're great.

  19. 'Alabaster' - you win 'word of the day'. And a neatly paced post it was too.

  20. You really should have a warning label on those posts. heh. Frustrating to be aroused and have no outlet. But omg that image is lovely....
