Thursday 31 January 2008


You come to me in dreams.

Silent and rigidly still, as I doze next to my snoring Husband.

Armoured against his attentions in neck-to-toe pink cotton protection.

I reach out to touch your face, snaking my hand behind your head to pull you in so I can kiss you, feel the stubble, harsh against my mouth and chin.

The sensation of your hands moving over me, soft against my naked skin.

Fingers probing all the places that belong to you, taking me back to your bed and lifting my mind to a higher plane where anything is possible for all obstacles can be scaled.

And I wake, one hand on my breast, the other between my legs, wet and sodden.

With a solitary tear tracing a path of disappointment across my cheek.


  1. It's bliss and agony in equal measure, that half-awake erotic consciousness of what you want NOW! and don't have.

  2. So bittersweet dreams like that. Hugs x

  3. Understood, my dear. Been there myself. I reach out to you...

  4. I can relate.
    Bitter with the sweet.

  5. wow
    the power of dreams

  6. Oh,Cake! How beautifully sad.

  7. You tend to get both parts in dreams, but I'll take that feeling over the middle-of-the-road variety anytime.

  8. mmmmm....seeing you wake like that sounds like a good fantasy to me!

  9. The mind has many dimensions and alternate realities with rooms for you to hide in from prying eyes or other minds

  10. Cake, thx for stopping by. I enjoyed your visit.

  11. Oh man, I've been there. This is the absolute definition of bittersweet.

  12. Oh Cake ... I've woken from that sort of dream, stunned to suddenly realise that She's not there beside me after all.

    That said, I've never been sleeping next to my husband at the time ...

  13. ... and husband snoring blissfully away, oblivious to the beauty that shares his bed

  14. Oh, Cake, you really *are* like the modern-day Lady Chatterly. You are so strong ... as an Aries woman should be!

  15. yes cake, i know what your saying,

  16. naughty, what pleasures within our dreams may lie. globus keeps clinging onto the vain hope of a succubus visit one night! ah well.

  17. Ahhh sweet agony.

  18. Ah, Cake... the dangers created by our own minds... You said it well.

  19. Picking up on George's comment, I don't think Cake's husband is totally oblivious to the beauty beside him in bed if she needs to armour herself in against his unwelcome advances!

    Cake - you describe a sad, sad situation which can't be good for you or your husband. I would be mortified if my spouse cried with disappointment at waking to find only boring old me, not their sexy dream lover. I hope you can find a way in which all three of you can find the love and respect you deserve.

  20. I too feel sadness for the position your husband finds himself in, albeit unwittingly. I hope you two eventually reach some sort of accommodation.
