Thursday 17 January 2008

Lady Chatterley's Ruf

One day, during the early days of our courtship, in amongst the smut and innuendo, we were talking about tattoos and he sent me pictures of his, one by one, each time requesting that I identify them.

And finally, to my surprise, one of him completely naked. Standing in front of what I now know is the magic the mirror in is his bedroom.

No erection. Just his nude body.

'As is' so to speak...

I was so taken aback that I had to sit down. I was trembling. I can quite clearly remember that I was late for class and I was still sat there with my mouth open admiring him when I should have been getting ready.

I don't know what it was. The tattoos? The nakedness? The overriding image in my head even now is of the power. That and the thick black and curly hair, covering his chest and his belly. And his strong muscular thighs.

He's not tanned and slender like a model or big and defined like a body builder. He's certainly not the perfection that is Michelangelo's David. But there was (and still is) just something about him, so beautiful, that called out to me at such a primal level. I had never experienced anything quite like it.

Sure, I'd seen naked men before - I was married to one and had watched his skinny young body turn to fat and grow old before my eyes. I had seen pictures of beautiful male models wearing just their well-defined muscles and their skin, but they seemed like immature boys in comparison. This was a man. A real, hairy, testosterone-fuelled example of the male version of the species... and I just wanted to reach out and touch him. To run my finger tips all over that chest.

Those images filled my mind, robbing me of sleep, keeping me at a fever pitch of excitement. I had to keep touching myself. My toothbrush was continually recharging. But I couldn't satisfy this need, this ache, this all-consuming lust within me.

And then he sent me a story. It came in three parts. The first text intrigued me and got me very excited. The second arrived when I was hanging out the washing. I can still see myself sitting on the step in the surprisingly warm late November sunshine, almost drooling with excitement. It finished with the command that if I wanted to find out what happened in the end, I would have to call him. So, abandoning my laundry, I grabbed a cold cucumber from the fridge (as you do :)) and raced upstairs. Stopping off in the bathroom for my toothbrush and replacing the head, before wrenching off my clothes and lying naked and as relaxed as possible on the bed.

I dialled his number and he continued with the denouement. I knew he was stroking himself as he spoke, just as I was. The buzz of my toothbrush bursting into life came as no surprise to him and he carried on to the end unperturbed as my moans increased in volume. When there was absolutely no doubt that I was having a major climax, he joined in with his own. Our first together.

I started to realise that I had to have him for real. This was not enough. If anything, it made it worse. Imagining what it would be like to truly be in his arms, the recipient of all his experience. I started to have fantasies about him, about what it would be like and I wrote them down and started emailing them to him. I watched him on his webcam as he read them and wanked, completely unabashed before my very eyes.

But there are other considerations when dealing with a man who has a certain amount of experience with women and so the day came when we had to discuss some big questions. He was totally understanding about my fears for my own safety in the light of being a parent and how it would be hypocritical for me to sound on and on about the safe sex message and then to completely disregard my own advice. He volunteered to go and get himself tested and agreed to wear a condom to cover the pregnancy aspect of things.

We had to wait the prescribed three months since his last sexual encounter and then there was Christmas and the New Year and so, at the beginning of January 2006 he went and had his tests. He called me later to give me the grotesque description of the insertion of the needle into the jap's eye but it all had to be done and he was a brave soldier. The prelims came back clear and we just had to wait a week to get the blood results. Then it was all systems go and we set the date for the 21st.

I was still very scared and in two minds about the whole thing. I had a brief chat with a very special friend who reassured me that this wasn't such a bad idea and that if she were me, she would definitely go.

The days in between the test results and the date itself were a torment. Eventually we agreed to use webcam and have a pre-meet date. So I bought one and we tried to relieve the tension by some mutual cyber wanking. Sadly, the effects were just as short-lived as phone sex. We needed to have skin: to touch, to feel, to breathe each other.

And then, two days before the designated day, he texted to tell me he'd put his back out in class the previous night and was confined to his bed, totally immobile.

He would have to cancel...


  1. Good Lord, Cake!!! I'm surprised you didn't kill each other with sex when you finally did get together!

  2. Oh how frustrating that must have been for the both of you. I bet when you finally did have your first time it was absolutely amazing.

  3. Good God, woman! All our martial arts and you still don't know it's japs eye! *lmao*

  4. Nitebyrd/Allie - That's the next installment.

    Ange - WTF? Of course it is. Why have I written jack's eye? I must be going blind or mad or both. LMAO. Duly edited to spare my blushes...

  5. You must have gone mad... Just reading about it torments me.

  6. delayed gratificiation... that you eventually got !


    sometimes you just see someone and they do it for you. Clearly, Ruff was that for you. Perfect in your eyes.

  7. I'm astonished you ever came up for air! It's the power you can see contained in their body I think...but then you know that ;) BG x

  8. Lol! Blokes love to embellish their stories!

    "needle inserted into the japs eye"

    It's not a needle, it takes about 2 seconds and the sensation is discomfort not pain. Compared to a cervical smear, biopsy and laser treatment...

    Ruf, you're a pussy! :)

  9. ARGH! Just the frustration felt while reading this was way too much to bear, I really wonder how you coped!

  10. Well if that aint a cold bucket of water on proceedings.....OUCH.

  11. I can only IMAGINE what it WAS like when y'all finally came together .... so to speak. ;)

  12. Wow, his boldness is turning *me* on just reading about it here... must have been *huge* for you!

  13. I know to well waiting sucks but it does come to an end :)

  14. nnnnnnNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

    I bet you just died! heh.

  15. There's delayed gratification and there's . . . delayed gratification. Ouch. That is some serious patience, but why the cancellation - just being on your back shouldn't rule everything out.

  16. Good for you both on the testing front. Too few people dont give a toss. But Id have been dying to wait even longer after he'd injured himself!

  17. I just hate it when that happens!!! All that lust and a bucket of cold water over the head!

  18. God I love a man with tattoos!!!!

  19. One thing about delayed gratification, of course, is how fantastic it feels to finally actually get the gratification.

    As someone who sees nowhere near enough of his Beloved, I know this very well indeed. Doesn't mean that the frustration doesn't drive me up the wall though :D

  20. Well, if there's any more of that delayed gratification energy in your future, perhaps you could put it to good use systematically eliminating your mice. Cracked me up: fussy chocolate eaters. Nice to see you drop by Moi's Blob!

  21. So do you like a man with tattoos? Cuz ya know, I've got a few, including one on my penis that reads "USDA PRIME." What can I say, I was in college and we'd been drinking. heh.

    Ok, not really. It really reads "WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES; HAVE A NICE DAY!"

    Ok ok, not really. But I do really have ink. heh.

  22. Sulpicia - It was a very traumatic moment

    Annie - Not being very familiar with the territory, since the last time Id had sex with a stranger was in 1980, I had not really thought further than condoms. I was really happy when he volunteered to get tested cos then I didnt have to worry about other aspects of sex

    BG - Yes indeedy and Im still trying to breathe properly

    Toby - How do you know it is less uncomfortable than a smear? With your uncanny eye for detail in describing the female orgasm, I'm starting to wonder about you x

    Lilith - Hello and welcome. There was no way I was going to let him cancel!

    Gypsy - I was far too hot for buckets of cold water to go anywhere near.

    Blaze - see my next entry :)

    Guilty - I was quite overwelmed

    EA/Tara - I do like tattoos... but not all tattoos. I particularly liked a series of photos that were sent to me of a man who had a full colour dragon on his cock, his balls and his arse. It had wings and everything. It was quite marvellous. There is also an old joke here about the man whose penis read something like 'Wee' but when fully extended became Westonsupermare.

    2$ - That's exactly what I said and insisted that I was coming anyway!

    Isa/Pixie/Plethora - See my next entry. I wasnt going to be put off.

    Ro - one of the advantages of a relationship where you have to say goodbye and not see each other for a while is the passion of the reunion which often feels like the first time all over again.

    Moi - Bloody rodents :)

  23. Lol! I've experienced one and witnessed the other. Does that clarify things? ;)
