Thursday 10 January 2008

Rampant Ruf

It is the most bizarre feeling.

Seeing the man I adore eagerly go into a situation where he could get injured and having to let go and trust that he can handle himself. Remember that he is the extremely competent martial artist that I know him to be. Separate that side of him from the gentle man that loves me.

Watching him pace about like a caged tiger, trying to control the complex cocktail of nerves, hormones and emotions as he enters the zone where no one else can help him and he has to draw on all his inner resolve to see him through.

Thinking back just a few hours to my arrival when I had been wondering if we would be having sex at all due to the prospect of his impending grading test the following afternoon. After all football managers ban wives and girlfriends from the team hotel before important games. But I need not have worried. All the testosterone and excitement had been saved up to give me a bumper session of full-on violent pillaging.

Leading me into the bedroom and removing my clothes with indecent haste so he could suck at my luscious nipples and test my readiness with his fingers. It is the most curious thing about us. His very presence just has this effect on me, liquefying me, readying my body for his as he wraps himself around me, pressing his hardness against my soft round bottom and whispering into my ear the magic words: 'I'm going to fingerfuck you. Fuck you with my fingers'. Sending shivers down my spine and raising the goosebumps on my skin just with his voice. The addition of his fingers amplifying that melting desire until I can think of nothing but the fluttering between my legs and the pounding in my brain.

Manhandling me over so I'm half on my front, half on my side, he pushes himself into the tight wetness. Forcing himself deep inside me and subjugating me to his will as I squeal with pleasure over and over again. Rampantly pounding and pounding, before rolling me onto my back and entering me again. Biting at my nipples until I cry out and then our mouths finding each other, tongues intertwining, arms encircling and skin pressed tightly together. His breathing becomes a steam train in my ear with the exertion as my body reaches that place where the only option is to sing out vocally. Soft moans becoming a crescendo of delighted screams as my mind explodes around me, immediately followed by his own cries as my body's contractions force him to spill into me and he collapses his full weight downwards, crushing my body beneath his.

Sleep overtakes us as we get more comfortable and lie like spoons, his arms wrapped around me, our fingers linked until I am awakened from my dreams by his lips whispering into the nape of my neck that he loves me as he hugs me tighter against him. His hardness pressing into me, his fingers questing for the soft wetness between my legs and accepting the welcome. Preparing the way for another entry and a second flurry of violent coupling before exhaustion drags us back to sleep.

And then a final ravishing when the alarm clock has already been on repeat snooze several times and we are late, before rushing off into the kitchen to make porridge for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch as I bathed and prepared myself for the rigours of the coming day.

It wasn't until I saw him standing with the other gradees that I could actually tell how fired up he was. This is a moment where you don't think about anything else but the route to the goal... and certainly not the woman you fucked that morning, no matter how good she was. We avoided eye contact the entire time.

Part of his test involved him fighting off multiple attackers. I cannot even begin to describe the enthusiasm with which he approached that particular task and the success of his strategy. To hear other higher graded, more experienced instructors talk with admiration about his abilities makes me just glow with pride...

But, of course, that is the other thing about our relationship in this company on this weekend. To anyone else, we do not officially have such a thing. It is just a training friendship. We do not mix sex and martial arts. There is no canoodling when we wear our uniforms or when we happen to be in the same class... although I did make an exception by hugging him after he got awarded the grade he was attempting.

When we finally got home at after midnight, knowing that we would have to be up again for another 8.30am training start, I rather envisaged that sleep would be the only thing on the agenda. I could not have been more wrong.

The adrenalin and testosterone mix was still coursing through him and, after a hot bath to rejuvenate his energies, I was to be the recipient. The focus of the attentions of the animal within him. The beast that I had seen fighting. And I loved watching him in that mode. Once I had let go of my concern for his safety, I could concentrate on the other just as primal emotions. My desire for him and my pride in being the woman that he shares this part of himself with. For he is a dichotomy of contradictions, sometimes so rough and yet, so often, surprisingly gentle and tender.

Letting him watch me from the bubbles as I removed my own clothing before handing him his towel and leading him back into the bedroom. Damp and warm from the bath water as he wrapped himself around me, kissing my mouth and biting on my nipples, working us both up to a frenzied fever pitch of lust, his fingers finding my gspot with ease and making me come again and again. Flipping me over and dragging me onto my knees to enter me from behind. Driving into me hard and fast as he pulled my hips back towards him, sending me shrieking skywards, before we both collapsed in a tangled heap and drifted into darkness.

Another early start only a few hours later with more hard training for four hours before we finally got back home. Exhausted, we fell into bed half-clothed for a couple of hours rest before dragging off the remaining garments for another rampant session. It started with his assertion that he could take me any time he wanted because I was his possession.

And then he cooked our tea and snuggled up on the sofa with me to watch Match of the Day before we went back to bed... again.

This man leaves me breathless. He is insatiable, indomitable, unstoppable... and I am so very proud of him x


  1. Cake, your passion with this man is so enviable...And that stuff about banning sex before the big game...HELL, no! If you are worth your salt, the edge is ALWAYS there. I'm glad you two ignored it.

  2. That was, as always when you write about Ruf, so incredibly passionate Cake, but for me, also settling and helpful as the new man has a somewhat violent job and reading your thoughts helps to sort mine. BG x

  3. Yeah but... just what do you pair do all weekend? ;)

  4. I love the way you mix the intensity of his competition with the intensity of your passion for him. The love you share is really something special, and it comes through every time you write. :)

  5. I'm sure you don't mind being his possession if he handles you in such a thoroughly passionate fashion. I'm so happy that you managed to ravish each other with such total abandon!!

  6. Cake, what a wonderful couple of days! Thanks for sharing. It reminds me of when my hubby and I first got together - Aaahhh, passion. :)

    As always, I completely enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog.

  7. There's just this something about your kind of blog, that is just so different from others.

    Keep it up cake...

    I'm your fan...

    Lucky Ruf. x)

  8. We should all have passion like that!

    A shame we all don't.

    I do so love reading about you & Ruf!
    Enjoy ....

  9. The feelings you have for your man are very palpable .. it is so nice to see.

  10. Manhandling is such a lovely word! Sounds wonderful!

  11. Cake, you two are both very very lucky. Not a very thought provoking comment but that was just how reading that lovely post made me feel! xx

  12. Girl, your posts really make me...well you know. Great entry as usual. I'm a fairly new reader here. So are you and Ruf secret lovers? For 3 years now?

  13. Ron, I keep having to pinch myself to remind myself how lucky I am to have found him.

    BG - Glad to be of service. I want to hear more about the Captain!

    Ange - Oh, you know, we just keep ourselves to ourselves quietly...

    Marcelle - Thank you.

    Emma - It's like every time is the first time with him :)

    Speak Sexy - I just think it's so sad that relationships inevitably lose that sparkle after any length of time :( Thank you for stopping by.

    Cloute - Oh, you sweetie. Thank you.

    Blaze - Writing about it makes me remember and enjoy all over again. I know I am very lucky.

    George - I just hope things always stay like this. Somehow I think that reality will get to us eventually :(

    Chic-handsome - Hello and Welcome. It certainly was a great weekend :)

    Isa - Ruf is an adept manhandler. Must be all that groundwork he practices.

    Jasmine - I hope that your life will find a similar source of joy very soon.

    UW - It will be two years next week. I shall be doing some anniversary posts over the next few days...

  14. What a wonderful combination of passion sexually and prowess in competition, Cake ! Describing how you two interact, what you did, what he did, and his passing the test, and how you two connect, respect boundaries, and then connect again, was exhilarating to read !

  15. I agree with flowering jasmine, as I read this, I just felt you were such a lovely item, so lucky and blessed to have one another. It's not the ideal situation, but it's a blessed one in the lives of people like ourselves.

    You are an incredible woman and he sounds to be an incredible man, something like this should definitely be enjoyed no matter the obstacles.

    Peace and smiles to you friend :)


  16. Sigh....what I wouldn't give!!!

  17. He has to let off some steam and what a perfect way for you to help him :)

  18. Loving Annie - Thank you, glad you enjoyed.

    The Land of Plethora - I think we do our best to show each other how lucky we know we are.

    Gypsy :)

    Walker - Well that's one way of describing it lol
