Monday 11 February 2008


Chosen by Sexoteric

When the world around me is exploding and my shoulders have reached the zenith of their upwards progress in an attempt to compensate for the madness in which I am embroiled, my thoughts run to you.

I take myself to my place of safety, where I am warm and cossetted and loved.

I feel your lips gentle against my hair and let my mind recapture the utter stillness of that haven.

Relaxing my body into the circle of your arm as your palm curves instinctively around my hip.

Snuggle into the comfort of your embrace, resting my cheek upon the soft skin of your shoulder and my hand upon your naked chest.

Hear the soothing crackle of the hair beneath the passage of my fingers.

Circle the palm upwards to find the stubble of your chin, the dimpled walnut reassuringly prickles each fingertip as I stroke away the sadness and anxiety of the difficult parts of my life.

Breathing quietly and carefully with each calming revolution: crackle, prickle, around; crackle, prickle, around.

When I feel the stress threatening to overwhelm me, I allow my mind to escape here.

For this is my Sanctuary.


  1. That cake sums up how I'm starting to feel. It's bloody lovely.

  2. We all need somewhere to escape to every now and then; sounds to me like you've found a place that's pretty perfect for you.

  3. That is beau, cake. But I'm afraid I didn't get past the first few lines. For some reason lately this kind of thing makes me sad. BUT! I'm glad you have this in your life. I hope you cling to it with ever last breath you have, dearheart.

    be right back,

  4. Loved it. I remember what that feels like and hope to feel it again.

  5. Everyone should have their sanctuary. I'm glad you have yours.

  6. Hope it continues to be what it is for you, Cake. Frankly, I've always envied those who have a place to go.

  7. A simple thing that protects us from everything

  8. Sanctuary is itself one of the most exquisite words in the English language. Enjoy it. I'm sure you know you need it. All the more reason to treasure it.

  9. Cake,I liked this bit of peace very much.

    I hope you are writing something for the blog book. It would be good to have your thoughts. x

  10. If any women wants to hear a funny fun great moment: The Pusher by Blind Melon for a Nico CD.....

    but yet what's even more funny about the whole picture is he is glitched on purpose for more dough by these pushers of a Maumelle area for an entertainment piece...

    Every man has their kicks cutting the cheese while people against religion in the north is figuring out the mystery......G.D..

    the real story if life is more than just a read through eh Granddaughter Jones and the daughter that writes the lyrics while laughing at that Freedom baptist church....but whose idea for the freedom baptist as the grandfather thought he was taking freedom away as a few women or bros laugh their g.d. ass off while the whole world is laughing royally and when rest of the planet laughs and hears some cutting the cheese entertainment while going he is on a lost highway....not in a soap on a rope for strapping cash for more corn meal......

    Again you must checkout you women and men of all the sites while spreading the cutting the cheese funny to the other devout souls....

    for a saum02 laughter....

  11. Everyone enjoys their deviling kicks in this country......

    The secret theme....cutting the cheese...
