Friday 22 February 2008

The Smut Meme

I have seen this on a few blogs but I stole it shamelessly, I mean, copied it from Rups.

You're welcome to post it on your blogs. You must call it the Smut Meme, you must link to me in the beginning paragraph, and you must tag 2 people, and link to them as well. Oh, and you must post this little blurb of instructions at the beginning, as has been done here. The idea is to pick one or the other, even if you prefer neither.

1. Chocolate or Whipped Cream:
Chocolate if I must but I'd really rather have gravy.

2. Leather or PVC:
I like leather but, as Ruf is a vegan, it would have to be PVC or, better still, lace.

3. Outdoor Sex or Indoor Sex:
Indoor - Whilst outdoor can be fun, it is also too stressful and uncomfortable.

4. In the Jacuzzi or In Bed?
Bed. Although I had a lovely shower recently so I'm not ruling out the jacuzzi totally.

5. Bad Sex or No Sex:
No sex. For me, sex is all about emotions and feelings. If I don't feel something for the other person, it will be bad sex and I'd rather have a connection or nothing.

6. Dominate or Be Dominated:
I like to dominate but in a very submissive way. I know, I know! But I like to tie Ruf up and then prostrate myself on my knees and fellate him. There is such an extraordinary power for me in that scenario. I also like it when he ties me and... ah, but I'm sure there's a post in that little story.

7. Thigh highs or Bodystocking:
Thigh Highs with lacy tops. Really pretty with unobstructed access to areas of natural interest.

8. Fast or Slow:
Depends on my mood. Fast fucking but slow love-making - both are equally appealling. If I'm out of my tree with arousal, then I like it fast and rough but if I want to feel like the most special person in his world, then it has to be slow and gentle.

9. Rough or Gentle:
See above.

10. Bite or Suck:
Mostly suck but there have been times of great passion when I just want to be bitten... to be marked.

11. Role play or Reality:
We have a secret liaison that doesn't exist in the real world. So, mostly we make love for real but that doesn't totally rule out fantasies. I would say that it is more likely we would mutually wank by phone to stories about role play.

12. Dirty Talking or Dirty Talking To:
I don't think you've been paying attention! My blog is one long session of me doing the dirty talking. However, Ruf knows exactly what to say to reduce me to a quivering jelly of desire. Mmmm, those F Words...

13. Edible panties or No Panties:
Ripped-off panties. *Note to Ruf, for future reference, at the edge seam please. Giving me a wedgie and then trying to rip them off from there is not sexy, just painful*

14. Spanking paddle or Bare-handed:
Have been researching this recently. Being with a man who knows all about power generation, bare-handed bloody stings!!!

15. Landing Strip or Kojak:
I'm not brave enough for a full Kojak by waxing. And, to be honest, I don't really like the look of it anyway. Too much like a little girl. I think the landing strip looks much neater and I feel like a real woman.

16. Multiple Sessions or One Good Fuck:
I find I get my biggest orgasms after a long session of multiple penetrations.

17. Moaning or Screaming:
I do a bit of moaning but when Im really there, it's loud and uncontrollable screaming that must carry to the entire neighbourhood.

18. Older Men or Young Men:
Ruf is six years my junior but he's not a spring chicken any more. I think it depends on the man but I'd far rather have experience than be teaching all the time. Mind you, I also like enthusiastic stamina so, as I say, I guess it depends on the man...

19. Threeway or No Way:
Never say never

20. Swing or No Swinging:
Very unlikely. I think I'm too possessive. But also because I need to be emotionally engaged to have sex and, at heart, I am a one man at a time type of girl. But, who's to say in the future...

I'm not tagging anyone because I think this has done the rounds but, if you want to have a go, just follow the instructions...

With thanks to Isa for originating the whole thing and then somehow getting mislaid...


  1. This is certainly more interesting that the usual generic Meme. Great answers Cake.

  2. I'm with you on the gravy. LOL

    Very interesting meme. Your answers are insightful, Cake. Good tip to Ruf on the panty ripping. ;)

  3. Great meme. Completely agree on thigh-high stockings, indoor vs. outdoor and possibly the best was #1 as the gravy is a stroke of genius.

  4. I think ice cold champagne when going down on a man works well!!!

  5. Finally! A Meme I can actually enjoy reading. :-)

    The last time I had sex outside I also got a tick.

  6. I laughed my socks off when reading your advice to Ruf on how to remove your panties a little less painfully!

    Certainly has me wondering which I would prefer! ~naughty smirk~

  7. Hello :-) Thought I'd pop over and say g'day!!!

    WoW you're quite the little minx aren't you! *GiGGLeS* Love your personality!

    I'll certainly be adding you to my favourites! xx

  8. HOT. In relation to #6 you might enjoy the story I'm working on in my blog.

  9. I love the outdoor sex (although it is not an every day occurence. I love the feel of a gentle breeze blowing about the joined parts. loverly.


  10. I am with you on nearly all of this but not the gravy although I thought that was really funny

  11. Bare-handed spanking is fun, especially if you can get the other person to do it hard enough so it hurts their hand :)

  12. Errrr!!! That's MY meme, lol!! And the rules seem to have been changed at some point, cos you're supposed to link to me.. amazing how whisper down the lane goes.. lololol.

    Thanks for doing my meme, though. ;)

  13. Thanks everyone...

    And with apologies to Isa. When I read the instructions, I did wonder about the person who had originally invented it. As you say, it's really interesting to see the Chinese Whispers effect.

  14. I always knew there was good reason to go for panties tied with ribbons at the side ;-)

  15. WOAH!!!!! I was gonna comment on the post, but my eyes were blinded by the new surroundings! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

  16. The circle is closing! That is my meme! Even tho I do not have a smut blog I DO have a smut meme! Love the new blog!

  17. Lol! Ticks are a major turn-off. But hunting for them on each other, after a roll in the undergrowth, can be fun!

    "Three" can be very good company ;)
