Wednesday 19 March 2008

Breaking News.... Cake's Arse - Owned

It was with some shock that I awoke this morning to discover that this news has now entered the public domain.

I am most alarmed at the sinister nature of this covert attack where I was completely unaware of my stalker until he had got his hands on almost the entirety of my arse.

With his well-documented aversion to blogs showing pictures of posteriors prettier than his own, I feel that I should issue a warning to any other Bloggers who use a splendid rear as a welcome to their pages. Mr. Pepper's megalomania knows no bounds and, even now, he might be buying up bits of you. It is with this in mind that I draw your attention to this site.

However, I wish to reassure my Reader that, as far as I am concerned, the ethos of my work will remain unchanged and I shall challenge any attempts at editorial control most vigorously.

This is most definitely a hostile takeover by an infamous raider and I am currently in the market for other bloggers who might be prepared to take on the role of white knight or killer bee in an attempt to limit the damage. If you have a working knowledge of share dealing and feel in the mood to rescue a damsel in distress, I look forward to hearing from you.

'Adultery blog'? My arse!


  1. I hear it's a tightly-run firm with assets in spanking condition. A tempting target for a friendly bid.

  2. LOL. Poor Cake!!

    (and, er, I realize your meme is fab and all.. but that wasn't the real post -- you missed it. :(

  3. Shut up and get on with your work!

  4. Hmmm, Cake ... you think it's control of the arse he had in mind? I ask because I have to admit that he's never shown any interest in mine.

    Nonetheless, I shall have to consider taking appropriate measures; after all, they do say variety is the spice of life :)

    Oh ... and excellent site too! Laughed my socks off (well, I wasn't actually wearing socks - or indeed much else - but I'm sure you get the gist).

  5. Mmmmmm... Phil has designs on Ro's gorgeous posterior, does he? He's going to have to share!!

  6. Well... if I were going to have my arse owned (I generally prefer to do the owning), I can think of no better shareholder.

  7. Excuse me, Shareholder, but I have to say that I will be fighting any takeover bid from young Phil in any and every way possible.

    He wouldn't appreciate it ...

  8. that site was well weird, who would do that? i don't get the point do you?
    anyway I posted a picture of a nice cake see what you think x

  9. Buy low, sell high... I think. Don't put all your eggs in one basket... etc...

    Good luck!


  10. How rude of this man! I know nothing about stocks, trading, futures, etc. but think one's ass should never be taken by hostility ever!
