Wednesday 12 March 2008

Cake's Inexplicable Crush Meme

OK, you all know what I mean. That impossible to explain attraction. The one where you admit it to your friends and they all curl their lips with disdain and go 'ewwwwww!'

I'll confess first:



Yup! Martin O'Neill.

With his soft Irish brogue, his almost fey, professor-ish manner, I can remember seeing him on Match of the Day as a pundit and being captivated.

Obviously I was in seventh heaven when he took over at Aston Villa and I got completely over-excited when I went to my first-ever football match and there he was in his black tracksuit jumping up and down and waving his arms about only a few hundred yards a way.

I don't expect you to approve or understand... it just... is...

So, is there anyone about whom you are prepared to own up?

BendyGirl, Redheaded Editor, Isa

and some guys - there must be women who come into this category so:

Fat Controller, Phil, Ro


  1. I wouldn't have thought Martin O'Neill was inexplicable. He always seemed an appealing man to me.

    But, then, I'm a man so the whole thing is a purely intellectual exercise - no matter what the evil gossips may say about me ;^)

    And, incidentally, thanks for the tag!

  2. The guy who does the advert for oatabix. You know the tubby truck driver telling the massive name that they were calling it. When the girl says 'why not just call it oatabix?' The look on the truck drivers face just gives my heart a little flutter, he's so cute! (only when he gives that look)

  3. I didn't know who Martin o'neill was, but he seems perfectly attractive to me. Mine however, now that's shameful! BG x

  4. Not so much anymore, not now he's turned grey, but my most memorable embarrassing crush is Gary Linekar, I stopped watching have I got news for you when he stopped appearing on their. There's been other embarrassing crushes, not none quite like the Walkers man.

  5. Ro - So why do all my female friends look so nonplussed when I mention it?

    Vi - I think I know who you mean. The little cutie pie.

    BG - Bwahahahaha! As I said on your post, even IE7 was horrified. It gave the name of the page it was trying to load but then refused to comply. No, Im not telling, you'll all just have to go and check it out at BG's place!

    Lady Lush - Hello and Welcome. Being of a similar age to the man with the ears, I have to say he definitely doesnt count as an inexplicable crush... but he is considerably older than you so I can see why you might think so :)

  6. I am prepared to offer a prize to any woman who will admit to having a crush on Keith Chegwin.

  7. Um.... the BBC journalist Andrew Marr. He has rather large ears and a lopsided smile, but there is something strangely appealing...

    I think my interest grew when I watched him strutting his stuff while dressed up in women's undies for an appearance in the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" sketch on Children In Need a few years back.

  8. Cheggers, phwoar!

    Prize can be sent via the blog ;)

    (Where you will also see the real dodgy crush(es) soon)

  9. @ Helga Hansen said...

    'Um.... the BBC journalist Andrew Marr.'

    Isn't that like having a crush on Dopey?

  10. This won't cut much Hot English Mustard up there but we have a show called 'Tuesday Book Club' down here. There's a librarian-type on it, with pigtails and atrocious dress sense, who wears plaid skirts with black vinyl boots.
    I want to slither in her books like a bookworm so badly I'd be prepared to read 'Emma' and write a report for her...

  11. ho hum... possibly... but then I always did think Dopey was the cutest dwarf of the lot! And if you really must know, while Mr Marr may look like Dopey, his mind is definitely not dopey!

    PS. Thanks for visiting my blog before I removed it. I am working on starting another one...

  12. Hmmm ... now I come to think about it, there's a certain Marrness about me too: the ears, the lopsided grin ... more hair (at the moment) and a slightly less keen intellect perhaps but, hey, no one can have it all I guess.

  13. GB - Oh, come on, he was quite cute in his younger days on Swap Shop!

    Helga - He definitely has the 'Inexplicable Crush' factor and I can see what you mean. A bit like his predecessor, John Sargeant, who was completely ugly but had a certain je ne sais quoi about him.

    Lazy Phil - Well Kirsty certainly didnt buff up too well on The Apprentice.

    Ange - I look forward to perusing your list :)

    ho hum - Hello. Very apt :) But wont you admit to someone?

    fingers - Nice to see you up here. But nameless admissions that we cannot google in order to point and laugh do not count. You'll have to be much more specific :)

    Ro - Shameless pimping is very unattractive! LMAO

  14. I totally understand. It falls under the category, I suppose of 'guilty pleasure'.

    Believe it or not, I have a couple. One is, indeed, English -- Helen Mirren. What a captivating woman. The other is American... the writer/columnist Maureen Dowd. Look her up and you'll understand what I mean.

  15. "Shameless pimping is very unattractive!"

    Ah, perhaps ... but is it effective? ;^)

  16. Ann Coulter

    I like 'em deranged, I'm told.

  17. Well I could confess to wanting every woman I see...but that wouldn't be news to anyone LOL

  18. Ron - Helen Mirren definitely doesnt count. Even I fancy Helen Mirren!!!

    Maureen Dowd looks quite pretty in the picture I saw. Does this mean she's a nutter like The Duke's bint, Ann Coulter?

    Maybe the inexplicableness for men is slightly different in that they could never shag someone ugly but they feel uncomfortable telling their mates about it if she is mad...?

    Helga? Does Ro's shameless pimping do it for you?

    KS - What? Even Ann Widdecombe? You'll have to google her LMAO

  19. Oh, I get what you get about that guy. Add in the Irish accent;


    (I saw him on BBC being interviewed)

  20. AB - Does this mean that, like Tom Hanks, you are going to become an Aston Villa fan?

  21. @Helga Hansen said...

    'PS. Thanks for visiting my blog before I removed it. I am working on starting another one...
    13 March 2008 07:03'

    Thank goodness for that. I was worried I had frightened you away.....

    (...apologies for the private conversation, but there' no other way to talk :) ....)

  22. hmmmm...would I 'admit to someone?'

    How about Charlotte Rampling?

  23. Ho hum - Im not sure I can allow Charlotte Rampling for the same reason as Helen Mirren - she's still gorgeous!

  24. Cake... Ro can pimp as much as he likes - I seriously doubt he can beat Andrew Marr in the goofy-but-sexy stakes!!

    And to Ho Hum... while the blog is not yet up, the means for private contact certainly are! ;^)

    (Thanks to Cake for allowing her blog to be used as a means of communication!!)

  25. Awww!...If I can't have Charlotte Rampling, I want Joy from 'Drop the Dead Donkey'.....

  26. Errr.... most men I've dated fit into this category. ;) I will do the meme very soon!
