Friday 28 March 2008

Subordinate, me

Chosen by Sexoteric

Engage me, seduce me, beguile me
Get your hands on my fabulous arse
Enrage me, reduce me, defile me
Let my fantasies all come to pass

Enthrall me, cajole me, control me
For your words orchestrate my demise
Besprawl me, despoil me, console me
As your knees force their way twixt my thighs

Contain me, absorb me, distress me
Is there no act my soul will reject?
Restrain me, disturb me, possess me
While my morals you slowly dissect

Enchant me, bewitch me, invite me
Know your voice wins the fight for my mind
Entice me, provoke me, incite me
Spank your palms on my perfect behind

Abuse me, insult me, regale me
Your lips whisper filth 'gainst my hair
Contuse me, dilate me, impale me
As you savage my pert derriere

Corrupt me, pervert me, defeat me
Make me beg you to hurt me and then
Protect me, placate me, complete me
Hold me close whilst you do it again


  1. I'm filled with admiration for you for being able to do poetry. I can't, not in the least.

    Oh... and I've heard that you have a nice ass? Is it true? :)

  2. very good

    that was just perfect

  3. Ooohhh I like a lot.

  4. Just tell me when and where and I'll be there--fabulous ass, most most definitely, cake--oh my oh my yes. May I bring champage? Moet et Chandon? Ou un autre? 3 bottles I think only two for drinking of course, the other...
    Well we'll have to see about that now, won't we...

    Beau who think that maybe those Guinnesses can bloody well wait.

  5. Magnus - Thank you x

    Marianne - Im led to believe it's rather scrumptious

    Ange - Stop lowering the tone. Im trying to be cultural here :)

    LiR - Ta muchly

    Brainiac chick - the poem or the arse sex?

    Akrazael - ditto above :)

    Beau - Hello and Welcome x Im definitely a good champagne kinda gal. Moet will be perfectly acceptable or a nice Bolly. And a Crystal wouldnt go amiss :)

  6. All the Beau can say is: Yummy! :-)

  7. Erotica and now poetry! Wow.


  8. I do like it when you get arsey!
