Saturday 22 March 2008

Tagged - 6 word Memoir

I have been tagged by Marianne, who has stolen all my adjectives.

The Rules

1. Write your own six word memoir

2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like

3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible, so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere

4 Tag five more blogs with links

5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!

So, with Ruf's assistance:

Fabulous-arsed, wanton, needy, well-mannered, submissive gravy-lover

We just couldn't find a way to get 'cheat' in...

I just find this tattoo fascinating :)

If you haven't been tagged and you want to describe yourself, please feel free to follow the instructions x


  1. I thought I'd stolen a march using a hyphen, but you have trumped me royally :)

    Love that tattoo...

    but I was brought up without gravy, and cannot acquire the taste now.

  2. And I thought Z was taking the wee-wee, hyphen-wise.

    I got this meme weeks ago, but haven't managed to come up with anything much for me. I have, however, a whole heap of suggestions for others. Should I post? Hmmmm ...

  3. That is quite a tattoo!

    Whether I'd want to have one there myself is quite another thing. I mean, the idea of the piercing is tempting as it takes a short time to have the hole made ... but to sit under the needle for so long!

  4. Woooooaaahh!! That is some tatt!! It would make giving head a rather interesting take - you'd be too busy admiring the artwork to concentrate on the person you were giving head to!!

    Oh, and the desire to bite its head off would be just too great!! :^)

  5. In the light of Ms Hansen's comment, I am definitely not having a replica of that tattoo!

  6. Oh... I've seen that tattoo before. No, not it person. Although, I can imagine being fascinated by it in person... watching it move, trying to make it move, you know.

    And stealing your adjectives? Well, that's my hobby. You should see my closet. You open it, and all the adjectives just come pouring out.

  7. That is quite the tattoo and having a few myself a painful one to get in that spot I am sure.

  8. That is a repulsive and grotesque tattoo. I like tatts but I'd never, ever consider getting my cock tattoo'ed. OUCH!

  9. Well I'm afraid that tattoo does nothing for me at all and its not because I don't like them....I do.

    It looks far too much like a snake and aint no snake going anywhere near my choochie.

    I got sidetracked....I actually came by to wish you and yours a very happy and wonderful Easter.

  10. OMG! I would love to give that snake a try out!

  11. Oh I had one of those but you know, despite tattooist telling you these things last forever, they don't count on masturbation and sex addicts rubbing them off from daily frictions.

    Rups xox

  12. Looks at Rups with a whole new respect :)
