Thursday 10 April 2008

Birthday HNT

When I first started playing with HNT and allowing the initials to stand for other things, I didn't realise there was a whole community of people who regularly expose themselves in various clever ways on a Thursday. I'm not sure I will be joining them regularly but, from time to time, Ruf takes a photograph which I am happy to share.


These are two of the pictures that Ruf took on my birthday. A day that took me much closer to 50 than 40. So, to prove that I'm very happy with the advancing years...



With thanks to Dee for some selection assistance x


  1. I want to bite your arse and I love you and I missed your call and your birthday.

    You already know all these things so you'll know which I'm sorry for


  2. Wow. That's, um... wow.

    Excuse me - I'll be back in about 10 minutes, okay?

  3. You are scrumptious and have a stunning body. Well, you knew that. :)

  4. Very nice birthday suit :)

  5. You look fantastic! And you are closer to 50 than 40? I am quite jealous.

    Hope you had a great birthday!

    Cate xxx

  6. I've got that top too, it's gorgeous! I'm most jealous that you have the pants too ;)

    You look amazing, happy birthday, BG x x x

  7. Yummy Yummy Yummy **wiping drool from mouth** LOVE THE OUTFIT!!! HHNT

  8. Ange - Will try again another time x

    Tom - LMAO. Enjoy x

    Marianne - Right back at you :)

    Walker - Thank you. We Aries need to stick together.

    Cate - It's all the good clean living :)

    Wild Cat - Ta Muchly

    BG - I now buy everything with two sets of pants. The others are slightly different but the material is really lovely and the top was much easier to put on cos of the hooks at the side.

    Naughty-i - Hello and thank you. I wish my body was as flexible as yours!

  9. Happy Birthday Cake! Dahling, you look absolutely mahvelous!!!

  10. You look utterly fantastic. I'm simply in awe.


  11. Green with envy and Happy Birthday.

  12. Welcome to your first "proper" HNT! Though I love what you've done with the letters in the past! A belated Happy Birthday to you!

  13. It's your birthday and WE get a present? Nice party favours!


  14. I simply LOVE your ass! Im sure it would look sexy as hell if you were lying on your belly with it up in the air for your lover to devour!

  15. Akrazael - LOL, Ive gone all Joanna Lumley now!

    BW - Thank you for the nice comment and also for sharing your other half :)

    Gypsy - Ive always gone for black or red before but I just fell in love with the colour when I saw it.

    Osbasso - Hello and thank you x

    Jason - Nice to see you here. Loved your cactus :)

    Anndi - Im just too good to you guys. Thanks for stopping by :)

    Confessor X - The camera shows that it certainly did... maybe next week if you're all good bloggers ;P

  16. Damn. Doesn't look a bit close to 40, let alone 50!

  17. Blimey... I would love to look as good as that now, never mind when I reach 50!! You look delightful, Ms Cake... I'm sure Ruf loved nibbling on his birthday Cake!! xx

  18. That top picture is soooooo sexy. That lace up corset is beyond enticing.


  19. And looking as stunning as you do, you have every right to be happy with the advancing years...


  20. Musns - Perhaps I was just very good in a past life :) Thank you

    Helga - You're not wrong there. He just kept coming back for additional helpings.

    Vixen - I fell in love with it because of the lacings and the colour.

    Mr Aroused - Thank you, you big smoothy x

  21. *smiles* You really do look lovely!

    HHNT, xx Dee

  22. WOW! First, I *love* that outfit, totally hot. I love corset style things or anything that has lacing like that. You in the outfit is even hotter. ;) Happy HNT!

  23. Happy Birthday and I want an arse like that!

  24. Happy birthday (belated) I'm not surprised that you are proud of those photos - they're stunning. Happy HNT (belated)

  25. You're gorgeous, Cake! I'm glad you had an excellent birthday. May you have many, many, many more.

  26. Listen, I'm not sure anyone has mentioned this, but you really have a fabulous arse. just thought you should know that.

  27. Damn Girl, you look good. Breath taking.
