Thursday 17 April 2008

HNT - All About Me


Continuing this week's theme...



  1. I'm just lucky as hell that I get to see you. That's such a beautiful and seductive shot.


  2. Very nice... but what is that tucked in next to your breasts??

  3. BW - Why thank you x

    Helga - I had no handbag and a girl can never be without her mobile LMAO

  4. Love it! It should be all about you!


  5. Insanely sexy. And I agree with Blissfully Wed, VERY seductive!


  6. You know, you have such strong shoulders - the whole photo is gorgeous, but they really stood out for me.

    xx Dee

  7. Once again I find myself astonised by the luck of women: not only do they have far more aesthetically pleasing bodies but said bodies also come complete with a built-in phone holder?

    And men aren't even allowed to carry handbags ;^)

  8. And I thought it was the (in)famous toothbrush :-)

    Love your blog - your style of writing, your honesty & sense of humour.

  9. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Flores Online, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  10. Ah... silly me! Of course, you could think of getting a pair of those new knickers that have a convenient little pocket at the front... all you'd need is a phone on vibrate! ;^)

    Of course, that means some some interesting retrieval methods when the phone starts ringing!!

    I also notice the karate mags on the floor... were you visiting the local dan?

  11. Wow - Cake, you're a buff chick, you know that?

    And what's with the karate mags all over the floor - is that how you work out?

  12. Wow. Sexy, seductive & most definitely all*together HOT. Happy beautifulHNT to you! ; )

  13. You do take great pictures! I like this one a lot. Very seductive.

  14. That is seriously sexy. Happy HNT!

  15. Lovely, lovely, lovely. I like the heels too! Happy HNT!

  16. Look at that sexy figure! And is it just me, or do you have incredibly fit arms? I'm jealous...

  17. You definately look familiar, have we met?

  18. Naughty Endeavours - Im so selfish :)

    Osbasso - Call you what? ;P

    Vixen - Thank you

    Dee - AB will tell you, it's all about hitting bags :)

    Ro - LMAO. I think all underwear should come with a secret phone pocket

    Fortune Cookie - Behave! I wasnt staying over. A toothbrush would have been superfluous. Thank you for the bloglove x

    Madame X - Thank you

    GB - LMFAO. I didnt notice until you commented but it does look that way. Must be a perspective thing with the black and white look.

    Flores - Id list you honey but it's all in what looks like Spanish...

    Helga, I think Id need a smaller phone if I was going to store it down there. I dont want anyone thinking I have any appendages :)

    Tom - Thank you. I was searching for a particular article. And they're martial arts mags, not specifically karate, but I do enjoy getting involved in that sort of activity on a regular basis and it certainly helps on the keep fit front.

    Marcellonyc - Hello and please drop by again with that fabulous torso x

    I smile 2 much - Ta muchly x

    Strat - Thanks big guy. The camera doesnt always love me but there are one or two good shots.

    Amorous Rocker - Thank you

    Ms Inconspicuous - I dont very often wear heels, Im normally a barefoot kinda gal. But heels are the only thing to wear with a little black dress.

    Marcelle - Thank you. Go hit things!

    Walker - me and my ego :)

    Mr October - *Looks furtive* Im not sure. Perhaps we should compare notes privately?

  19. Cake, you look delicious. Mouthwatering, in fact...


  20. I think this is easily one of the sexiest pictures I ahve ever seen

  21. Can be arranged dear cake lady. Might make for some interesting cookery classes. I must admit to enjoying 'pie' could eat it all night long.

  22. Very sexy indeed! Especially your lovely toned arms!

  23. LOL, very cute, sexy pic.

  24. Great legs! Now if you could lift that dress up just a little bit more...

  25. That's one rocking body, baby. :)

  26. Grundy popped over to see who's been offering his sex on his blog. Grundy likes what he sees, so much so that he has decided to bring forward his annual bath.

  27. I knew that was a mobile, lol. What the hell did you do before they were invented??

  28. Sheer black stockings are always sexy !

    Hope that you are having a good weekend, Cake :)

  29. Cake never looked so good, but in need of some icing I think.

  30. Damn, I could lick the icing off that cake. Geez, what am I saying? Nummmmmy. Keep up the great HNT work. Your fan club loves it.
