Friday 4 April 2008

I love a man in uniform

Denny Crane and Allan Shore in whites. All that's missing is some medals...

There is a God :)


  1. i would fight you for them, except i think you would win .. share?

  2. ~~(Wink*)~~

    They certainly look happy!

    {Will~~spys, Army/Navy Store, w/naughty intentions...}

    Your B-Day Greetings are Up!

    (a day early, and a Cakeful
    of Thanks, and hugs))))


  3. I always love a man in uniform, but who are those men? BG

  4. Me - LMAO. I'll consider it but you're not allowed to bring food! We dont want any competition...

    Will - Thank you x

    BG - Boston Legal... Living, Thursdays 10pm. Unmissable. James Spader and William Shatner.

  5. Anon - LOL. Yup. Perhaps this should really have been my Inexplicable Crush :)

  6. Yummy!! And there is something rather sinful about James Spader - I loved him in Secretary...

    I also wanted to wish you everything of the best for your birthday... I hope you get deliciously spoilt, and have at least one candle on your cake!! As we say in Norway "Gratulerer med dagen!!" xx

  7. James Spader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unh!!!!!!! Hot hot hot hot!!!!

  8. Helga - Many thanks. It was a good day :) I watched James in Crash on Sunday. I was really sad at how he has let himself go tbh. He still does it for me, just with his voice, but he really should start watching his diet.

    Isa - See above.

  9. Forget Doug Ross. Forget Greg House. Give me Alan Shore and I'll be happy.
