Sunday 13 April 2008

Mute Monday - All About Me









  1. You are a very interesting woman... brava! I liked the photos too. Well done, Joanna!

  2. Very very interesting. I liked them all. Happy Early Mute Monday!

  3. I loved An Officer and a Gentleman. I always wondered why Debra Winger didn't get more roles. Happy Mute Monday Cake!!!

  4. The shape of that pink object must tell us something. I wish I knew what.

  5. I love this. I think I might steal it.

  6. Ahhh - all so very Cake. Of course, I would have loved more of your martial arts, but you are more than just that, I know.

    Happy M.M!

  7. Very cool! And it looks like you some serious butt also! Happy MM!

  8. Cool choices. Very interesting.

    happyMonday :)

  9. Excellent pics! I love the woman looking in the mirror... Happy MM!

  10. Helga/Troll - There were three pictures that complete the picture but couldnt be posted as they each gave away far too much.

    Gypsy - Was Debra Winger in that film? LMAO, Im afraid I didnt really notice.

    GB - The pink object is a tulip :)

    Brainiac Chick - Not my idea Im afraid. It was the brainchild of The Troll. Click on his comment link above or on the Mute Monday symbol for more info. It happens every Monday with a different subject.

    AB - I wanted to post more weapons and stuff...

    Kate - Im still envious of the man in your kitchen :)

    Vixen - Im on my way over to find out more about you.

    Java Junkie - Hello. That woman says a lot about many of us :)

  11. A little intriguing!!
    Happy MM!

  12. From now on, I'm doing my laundry at your place.

    Happy MM

  13. I love these Mute Monday's. May have to join you myself. I enjoy what you have to show about yourself!

  14. Fascinating images! I'm going to have to look into this Mute Monday lark.

  15. I'm just loving learning about everyone through their Mute Monday posts this week. Wonderful images!

    Happy MM!

  16. You had volumes to say today! Very interesting post.

  17. Hilarious mirror many reader/writers in this MM meme--notice that?

    Happy MM!

  18. grrrrrerhahahaha to the mirror image. whats that pink thing? grrrerhahahaha

    happy MM!

  19. Searabbit - Im not so sure, I think I may have given far too much away :)

    iamnot - Feel Free ;P

    Akrazael - See answer to Brainiac Chick. You need to go see the Troll.

    Ro - I look forward to you joining us too

    Bunny - It certainly has been very informative.

    Nitebyrd - It was very hard to work out what to put in and what to leave out.

    AuntyBelle - We bloggers are such narcissists :)

    She - It's a tulip. C'mon Gypsy has some on her page too :)

  20. Interesting choices! I really like the one where she is looking at her reflection.

  21. Grundy wants to know where he can find a mirror like that.

  22. I just showed a picture of your butt to my butt and said, "That's what we're going for here, okay?"

    Oh, and the "pink thing" looks like one of those plastic spoons that comes with über thick Baskin Robbins milkshakes.


  23. Good Monday evening to you Cake.

    I love reading about Anne Boleyn. Love it, love it, love it. I wish there was more than one portrait of her, but I think Henry had them all destroyed but that one. I want to go see Hever Castle one day...

  24. Great Mute Monday! I can't believe I totally forgot to include pics for my computer and my cell - both of which I am SERIOUSLY addicted too! lol

    My Mute Monday

  25. Kiki/Walker/Grundy - That mirror sure is popular. I think Ruf's does that trick because of the angle in which it inclines against the wall - does that help?

    Moi - Thank you :) LMAO at the icecream spoon mistake...

    Loving Annie - Hever is beautiful. There are a couple of portraits of Anne Boleyn besides the familiar one and a few that could be her. Henry destroyed almost everything that reminded him of her but there are a few things left - carvings on a bedhead, a few wooden ceilings, an organ screen - all still bear the HA cypher. How horrible that a love which caused such cataclysmic changes in a nation's religion could diminish so dramatically and end so tragically.

  26. Angela - Thanks for dropping by.

  27. Hahahahahaaha! I love that bike!
