Thursday 8 May 2008

HNT - The Race for Life


Over the next couple of months, the UK sees various women-only 5km runs for the Race for Life, which is promoting awareness of and raising money for Cancer Research. I shall be making my donation today.

I am lucky in that I don't have a history of breast cancer in my family but that doesn't stop me from checking for lumps every month. There has been press coverage recently that self-examination is not always successful in the detection of the disease and can lead to unnecessary biopsies, as well as causing unwarranted distress. Personally, I cannot help feeling that to know how your breasts should be is to be forewarned if something appears different. And, having a daughter of my own, there are now genes from another pool, of which I know very little, to take into account in her case and I shall be encouraging her to check herself every month too. Any research to protect us from breast, ovarian or cervical cancer gets my financial support - even if my current physical problems will not permit me to make the run this year.

Last week, the series 'Embarrassing Bodies' aired and in Episode 2 they went out on the road to help women get to grips with examining their breasts. I believe it is still available to watch for free on 4 on demand.

Basically 1 in 9 women will have breast cancer in their lifetime but 18% more will survive than a decade ago because of early detection. The programme stressed the importance of examining your breasts - both visually and by touch.

Click here for a full clip on how to self-examine.


Blog every day in May



  1. I love the race for life. It's such an emotional day, reading the signs in memory of/in celebration of.

  2. Lovely understated pic and a great message. Vote Troll!

  3. hmmm I teach all sorts of classes ( CPR, First Aid etc.) maybe breast examination would be a good one to add. For multiple reasons!

    Lovely picture.


  4. The Race for Life sounds like the UK equivalent of America's Race for the Cure. Thanks for being so devoted to such an important issue.

  5. THANK YOU! Cake for promoting this very worthy cause and for talking about breast health. My daughter, a breast cancer survivor, tells me that 85% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of breast or prostate cancer. Our family doesn't.

    Another blogger friend is taking part in one of the races, I've donated to her quest at Cancer Research UK.

    Thank you, again.

  6. Race for Life seems to have a good profile around our village, which is good to see.

    Happy HNT

  7. Great message, love the necklace. Very pretty.


  8. Nice cleavage!! and very good intentions!

  9. Great message and photo... HHNT!

  10. Good for you for being devoted to such a worthy cause! We have something similar here as well. Very good post and a pretty picture to go along with it. Happy HNT.

  11. Good cause for many reasons.
    Awareness is the first part of the cure

  12. Very admiral, I did the race for life the year after my treatment. Now I just support friends who do it. It wasn't the walk I have trouble with but going around afterwards collecting the money was not easy.

    It is good that we have this annual race for life as it keeps the fight against cancer and the need to look after ourselves in everyone's minds.
    There was no history of cancer at all in my family until I had mine.

  13. Both my mum and my maternal grandmother died of breast cancer. I'm all too aware of how nasty it can be and, not least from working at a major cancer centre, how vital early diagnosis is.

    Thanks for posting this - if you make just one person think about it, it's worthwhile.

  14. My mother passed away from breast cancer, and I participate in the "Relay for Life" (same idea). Thank you for bringing attention to this worthy cause.

  15. I love the sentiment and the pictuer, really. :)

    Happy HNT.

  16. take care of youre boobs and have a really happy HNT!

  17. My daughter has done some of these runs - it's an excellent thing to support. Happy (Belated) HNT

  18. Long time no, read.

    I guess I need to go back and see what you mean by, "my current physical problems". I hope it's nothing too serious.

    I wanted to stop by and say, "Hi".

    : )

  19. geez, you call that half nekkid?

