Thursday 29 May 2008

HNT - The Ruffian


Hairy Nude Torso.

Lover, best friend and favourite pain in the arse x


Blog every day in May



  1. That's great. I like the effects. Happy HNT!

  2. Gadzooks! Is that Roofy? With a chest like that he'd be welcome to join my tribe.

  3. Great effect on the picture, But I prefer pictures on you ;)

    Happy HNT!

  4. Well that's definetly different! Have you ever thought of waxing his chest... just to inflict pain! lol

  5. Amorous Rocker - Thank you

    Mr Bananas - I am sure he will be very flattered to receive such an invitation, although you might find yourself having to prove your status as dominant male now and again :)

    d2b - LOL. Come on now, I cant be showing my arse every week, you'd just get bored.

    Dazza - Yes indeed, a man of mystery :)

    Vi - You are soooo mean! But I love his hairy chest so would never do that. I am enlisted to help shave his head now and again tho.

    Marcellonyc - Never fear. Just because I like hairy chest doesnt mean that I cant appreciate a fit torso without a covering.

    TKK - Thank you.

  6. Great effects! happyHNT!

  7. Mmmmmmm, I do love a hairy man.

  8. Cool. Is that a drawing or a photo or what?

  9. You have to respect a well-read man. HHNT!

  10. Like any good book nerd, I'm trying to no avail to make out the book's title. That is a wonderful shot.

    Thanks for sharing.

  11. Vixen - And to you :)

    Z - I shall pass on your approval...

    Troll - It's some kind of effect on top of a photo.

    Greg & Sheryl/Blissfully Wed - It's Mr Easily Aroused's 'Compulsive Ardour'. A paperback selection from his blog and it's really rather good. The only drawback - as I persist in reminding him - is that it is unlaminated and so you have to be very careful in the bath :)

  12. Alot can happen between the covers.
    We are talking about the book, right? ;)

  13. Nice - open yet still anonymous :) Not bad reading material either!

    Happy HNT!

  14. Ooooohhh... does ~EA know that Ruf has been roped in to do the marketing? I did my contribution a couple of weeks back.. I think every blogger who has bought the book should provide some sort of photographic proof, don't you? :D

  15. Walker - Covers, sheets, all bases covered :)

    Searabbit - And to you :)

    Ro - The original picture was pretty anonymous but we loved this effect.

    Helga - We needed a book to hide him behind. It seemed like the obvious choice :)

  16. *lol* doesn't you have other body parts than you're arse to show if you are afraid we getting bored of it? ;)

  17. What a coy little peek. :)

    Happy HNT!

  18. Getting round late again. Happy HNT (Belated).

  19. I do love a hairy chest... would love to run my fingers through that one. That's all though, Cake... I would never infringe on your territory. Well... unless you invited me to. :)
