Monday 12 May 2008

Mute Monday - Change(s)


Blogging Every Day In May



  1. Some excellent choices there though I must admit it was the very first one that took me back.

    I spent a small chunk of the weekend watching the original Bill Bixby Hulk with an initially reluctant Son. He tends to believe as a matter of faith that anything preceding his birth can't have a lot of value but I'm making him realise the error of his ways!

  2. I am sooo not looking forward to menopause now. Yikes.

    Great MM.

    Have a great day!

  3. Ro - That type of change came to me in the middle of the night and I was lucky enough to find that particular picture.

    KJ - Come on? Who wouldnt want to be itchy, bitchy or homicidal? LMAO

  4. These are great Cake and I really liked the Bowie montage. He's never had so much publicity as he's had today :)

    Btw I am sending you an invitation to my Gypsy blog. I sent them all from my google Reader but because you don't show up in there I accidentally missed you out. I'm sorry about that.

    Happy Mute Monday.

  5. Loves those dwarves! Great MM!

  6. Loved the fire cartoon and the photo of the wheel. Change, indeed. Nice take on the theme. As for menopause? Schmemopause. Moi's plan: La, la, la, la, la.

  7. Hulk!!?? Oh drat, I fergot that one...great pics--but 7 D's mah favorite!

    HaPPY MM

  8. Menopause is the change many of us do not want to think about, but at least you've bundled it with other natural changes, so that's heartening.

    and that Bowie! He's the Change Man.

    Happy MM!

  9. These were great. I liked them all but especially THE HULK! Happy Mute Monday!

  10. Oooo I love the superhero choice...what a great take! :)

  11. Hmmmm ... That one picture of the woman w/comments is WAY too depressing for Monday.

    I will give you a virtual crone hug, though. (((hug))) The menopause process is a bitch.

  12. There are some interestin changes life brings on.

  13. IDK how I missed you on Monday this week. I'm sorry. I am *SO* lol at the Seven Dwarves of menopause. Great job you did with the theme.


  14. aww, man you had some really great ones. LOVED the incredibale Hulk. Smart choice!
    I also was especially fond of the menopause ones. Gave me a laugh.
