Monday 5 May 2008

Mute Monday - Communication


Blogging Every Day In May



  1. Awesome selection of pictures! I love the last one, so pretty. Happy Mute Monday! =)

  2. Does every day of the week have its own theme now?! Where have I been? I can't keep up...


  3. Great choices! I like the braille...Happy MM!

  4. Whoa. I wonder what that says about me when I can remember televisions that looked like that! Happy MM!

  5. I love the CB Radio, the walkie talkies and the old fashioned telephone! :)

    Happy MM!

  6. Great choices. Money talks. Signal flags. You thought out-of-the-cake-box. Happy Mute Monday!

  7. Hoo -whee! Great variety of messages--favorite fer yore Aunty is them old letters. An' prayers, natcherly.

  8. You've done a nice job of spanning time AND our increasing use of technology to communicate along with the old fashioned ways too.

    Happy MM to you! xx

  9. Love the pics! I used a few of the same ones! I'd really love to actually see one of those old TV's or phones. Just to see it.

  10. What I love about Mute Monday is the different directions that people go off in from the title. There are not that many duplications. It's a great invention!

  11. Great selection of pics! Happy MM! We had that television, Moi...

  12. Very good choices!
    Happy MM!

  13. *Love* the last pic of the couple. Happy Monday!

  14. Crap, my family had a TV just like that when I was a kid. I am so old!!!

    Happy MM!!

  15. So let me see if I understand the story here:

    Psst! Let me tell you a story!
    I was on my CB, listening to my transistor radio in the cab of my truck, when I realized that this is the 21st century an' all, so there's no reason why I should be using equipment as old as the TV my parents used to make me stand next to and turn the knob when they wanted to change channels.

    "I really should get one of those new fangled cell phones" I thought to myself. Then I could access email, send texts, and make phone calls more easily.

    I first listened to the stars for advice, but that didn't work so I wrote a letter to my cell provider for information.

    That took forever. So eventually I used my ancient phone to call the vendor, did the itsy-bitsy spider song, then faxed my info to them so I could get my phone and make reservations across the sea to witness the gay pride parade being held near the London Underground.

    I hugged Girlfriend 1 goodbye (after giving her the night of her life) and traveled to France, which was odd because I'd booked reservations to London.

    But no biggie, because I also met and nailed the red headed, French hooker Chloe who I discovered, after the burning became unbearable and I looked it up, had given me a scortching case of syphilis.

    I whipped out my new-fangled cell phone thingy and laid out some serious dough for a quick cure, the whole time praying to God that Girlfriend 1 wouldn't click onto the computer at home and discover that I'd used my health plan coverage to purchase penicillin.

    Little did I know, however, that she'd have never found out because she had died her hair black and was at that very moment ecchanging throat cultures in the public park with that bastard Brian. That whore.

    Is that about it?

  16. Java Junkie/Phosgene Kid - I think we had one of those at some point too

    Searabbit/Vixen - Thank you

    EA - LMAO. I hereby challenge you to write a story from all my future MM submissions :)
