Monday 19 May 2008

Mute Monday: Different Strokes

On 19 May 1536 Queen Anne Boleyn was beheaded not with the usual English headsman's axe and block which could take several hacks to be effective but with one stroke from the sword of the French Executioner from Calais. She is famous for saying that she only had a little neck. Her head and body were bundled into an old arrow box and buried in the Church of St Peter ad Vincula near to the execution site within the Tower of London.


Blog every day in May



  1. Poor Anne, she got the wrong stroke!

    Great MM!

  2. Not quite mute but well worth bending the rules to explain that one - I like it! :)

  3. Quite the harsh stroke, that. Happy MM!

  4. Interesting stroke choice.....
    Happy MM.

  5. Very clever take on the theme. Poor Anne. Happy MM, though!

  6. That's a helluva way to go...what an appalling stroke of luck. Sorry...I couldn't help myself.

    I like posts with a bit of history attached and great take on the theme.

    Happy Mute Monday.

  7. Yikes! Scary take on the theme. Ann Bolynn,cute gal, but not much upstairs. Grrrherhahahahahhahahhahahaha.

    Happy Mute Monday.

  8. Learn somethin' new every day! I like that necklace. I've seen a similar one on that Ugly Betty TV show.

    Sorry, I got no good stroke joke

  9. that is indeed a stroke of the different variety. and interesting reading for sure.

  10. In my teens I thought Anne was the most romantic woman in history

  11. Different Strokes? You forgot one. ;-) Incidentally did you know that fat bastard Louis XIV took 6 chops of the guillotine before his head came off? Ick! He must have still been alive for the first two or three.

    Liberté, Fraternité La Guillotine!

  12. Kelly j/Kate - Well, Henry thought he was being kind actually...

    Ro - Come on, Ive been mute for several consecutive Mondays :)

    Charnita/Moi/Gypsy - Id already decided to do this today what with it being the anniversary. Troll played nicely into my hands with his choice :)

    Searabbit - Well, she was sentence to beheading or being burnt at the stake at the King's pleasure...

    Troll, I guess since 20th May you could say that :)

    Iamnot - It took three for Mary Queen of Scots

    Kiki - That necklace is synonymous with her.

    Pamokc - I think we all try to go for the less obvious option :)

    Vixen - And to you x

    LiR - Me too. And my hero worship has never gone away. I still read anything that comes out about her story and I always hope for a different ending :)

    Brian - Tsk! Louis XIV was the Sun King! It was Louis XVI that lost his head in the Revolution.

  13. I fail at Roman Numerals. Knew I should have checked first.

  14. In the end it was her line that got the last word in.
