Friday 30 May 2008

OverRated: The Fiat Multipla

It may be totally practical but it looks like a wide-mouthed frog and truly must be the Ugliest Car in the World...

I rest my case...

... unless, of course, you know better?


Blog every day in May



  1. Couldn't agree more! Definitely a car for people who get in and out of it blindfolded.

    I can recall any number of cars that were rated as ugly when they were released. In retrospect, we've all come to realise that the designs were just too radical for us to accept them straight away; it took a while for us to appreciate them properly. These are now ranked among the classics of the car world.

    Somehow I can't see the Multipla ever achieving this status!

  2. CACK!!! Totally agree. Disgusting car.

  3. Generally not bothered about how cars look. Is it reliable? Cheap to run? Handles well?

    But you could not PAY me to get into that car! The designers are going to car hell.

  4. ah, this reminds me of year 7, there was one of those on the car park of the school sport centre where we sat each lunch time. We agreed the car was hideous and had a name for it, I just can't remember what it was we called it. Pity, I'm sure it would have been quite funny, with it being a name given by a bunch of 11 year olds.

  5. The nose reminds me of a Beluga whale.

    It's so ugly that it's gone around the other side to be kind of cute.

  6. It's hideous! But I used to think Scions were hideous until I learned they were specifically designed for handicapped folks.

  7. Where's my lawyer?!?!? I'm suing them!!! They obviously stole one of my 6-year-old's drawings!!!


    hi honey, this is my new one xx

  9. How funny that we both posted about vehicles. Mine being the over sized kind and yours the smaller variety. You're right...that is one of the ugliest things I have ever seen with wheels on it.

    Happy friday Cake.

  10. I think it looks like a frog too!!!

  11. Nope, you found it... the ugliest car ever... Dxxx

  12. LMAO!!!!!!
    Ok thats ugly HA HA HA
