Wednesday 7 May 2008

Sugasm #130

The best of this week’s blogs by the bloggers who blog them. Highlighting the top 3 posts as chosen by Sugasm participants. Want in Sugasm #131? Submit a link to your best post of the week using this form. Participants, repost the link list within a week and you’re all set.

This Week’s Picks

Gross Spelling Errors Turn Me Off “Here are a few other word issues that come up in sex writing that throw me off and drive me crazy.”

L’Artiste “I want time to sip my whisky, to drink you in as you unveil yourself, as you offer your body to my steady gaze.”

Learning My Limits (Part 1) “It hurts. It’s gorgeous. ”

Mr. Sugasm Himself 24-Months of AVN Online, $0

Editor’s Choice The Few, The Proud, The Pornless

More Sugasm

Join the Sugasm

See also: Fleshbot’s Sex Blog Roundup each Tuesday and Friday.

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