Thursday 5 June 2008

HNT - Negative

I am an Aries, not a Gemini but I do have two very distinct personalities. Not quite on the scale of the Incredible Hulk - well I don't turn green anyway.

My public persona: the one that's always smiling, happy, sexy and very confident.

And the other one, who only comes out when life is doing its darndest to test my resolve at the same time as my hormones give themselves a shuffle. That person is insecure, attention-seeking, pathetic. Negative in the extreme and a harbinger of doom. Is incapable of sitting still, produces tears that fall unbidden at the most inconvenient moments and loses the desire to eat.

The good news is that I do now recognise the problem and try to analyse rationally what is occurring. The downside being that a sensible strategy is not always successful and I can work myself up into a lather of paranoia that threatens spontaneous combustion.

I have learned that the only way to deal with my fears is by communication. I need reassurance because my mind will countenance no self-regulation of its opinions and to withdraw into the vortex of venom is to be consumed.

I know I must confront my fears head-on. To stand back and wait is to lose the battle in my head before I even start.

Enjoy the view whilst I go fill up on B Vitamins.



  1. They say that recognising the problem is halfway to solving it...


  2. Great picture!

    The amazing thing is that the people who see you as sexy and confident would probably never believe how hard you can be on yourself. I often wonder what people would think if they knew what went on inside my head. The critic in me can be overwhelming at times.

    Cate xxx

  3. I like the negative effect of the picture, looks cool! Happy HNT!

  4. It's amazing what wonderful effects can be produced simply by showing the negative. Excellent shot!

    Being an Arian myself I had to go delve and I found the following on a Website:

    "Arian, do not be afraid to be forceful, for this is the very core of your nature. If you feel fear in your heart, then look for a history of negative events in you personal history, such as violence or abuse from others. Being fearful may also indicate a household in childhood that negated independence and personal initiative in you. This could have inhibited your natural urge to go forward into life as the leader and champion you were born to be. Conversely, such bad influences could also have led you to be overly forceful, or to be unsympathetic to your own need and sensitivity."

    It's a good job I don't believe in astrology! :)

    Happy HNT, ma'am!

  5. i sympathise- i am a fluctuating Aries too. The speed in which i can go 'down' from 'up' is quite alarming.

    happy HNT

  6. Dang, that's profound. Excellent.

    Happy HuNTing.

  7. I love how you always seem to open up and allow us to see a part of you that we usually dont get to see...its such a great thing! thank you!

  8. Oooh I know about the paranoia and self-combustion!!! LOL - Like your negative effect :) Happy HNT!!!!!

  9. Never has a negative looked so positive. Happy HNT!

  10. Knowing this about yourself, and understanding the way your own mind works is a step (or several) ahead of many.

    I *love* the negative effect on the picture as well.

    Happy HNT.

  11. Such a beautifully shared post. My best to you.

  12. The negative effect absolutely awesome... HHNT!

  13. I usually feel better after i take my VBs to but especially so when I set my frustration free and wait for the thump on the sidewalk below.

  14. Is there anything else you could fill up on that might add a positive slant to proceedings?

    (You look extremely edible by the way)


  15. the negative effect!

  16. It seems to be going around, honey. Big hugs. xo

  17. Your post had me thinking of this song, esp the last two verses about you.

    Be Well.

  18. Very sexy the effect.

  19. That's a lovely picture. I know it's Friday already but Happy HNT.

  20. Even though your effects are negative... I think your picture is positively refreshing & very cool ; )

    Happy Sexy & Belated *Knowing is Half the battle* HNT 2 U ; )

  21. Aries here too and I would recommend a good shot of Vitamin D, too!

    :-) Have a great weekend.

  22. Love the photo. Short hair is just so damned sexy!

  23. I love everything about that picture. It's utterly beautiful.

    I have that same ugly person inside of me. What helps me ignore her is knowing that she was created by other people's words and their hurtful treatment -- it might sound like my voice but it's not. I'm almost always able to tell her to shut the fuck up.

    And I've found the same as you have. My fears are greatly allayed by saying the ugly things that I feel out loud (like how you suddenly become less nervous when you admit that you are nervous). They're far less scary when I drag them out of the dark and into the light.

  24. It's always good to know oneself as close as possible. If I only can understand myself...

    Nice negative effect! Happy belated HNT!
