Monday 23 June 2008

Mute Monday: Aroma



  1. We have bread and bacon in common. The smell of those two things never fails to make my mouth water.

    Happy Mute Monday.

  2. Sweat, Allure, and Issey! Three of my most favorite smells. I wore Eau d'Issey for years – it was a pioneer in the Oceanic scent category for women in the 1990s - a total reaction to all those late '80s bombshell scents like Poison, Amarige, Paris, etc. I need to go back and revisit it. Thanks for the memory and Happy Mute Monday!

  3. Can't argue with any of these...Happy MM!

  4. Just thinking about the smell of bacon makes me hungry!!

  5. Ok, Now I am singing that commercial,
    "I can bring home the bacon (daddadadda) fry it up in a pan (daddadadada) and never let you forgoet that your a a man......."

    You've heard it? From the 1970's? It was a frangrance commercial.

    Loved your pics! Happy MM!

  6. Troll Hungry! Did I read somewhere they put testosterone in cologne or something?

    Happy Mute Monday!

  7. Mmmm beers and a bacon sandwich, nearly as good as Tea and a bacon sandwhich


  8. Are you saying entertainment mags smell? ahaha - great pics - fresh bread and coffee; heaven to me.

    Happy MM!

  9. Mmmm...there is something about the yeasty smell of beer that is wonderful. :) Happy MM!

  10. LOL! Pheromones! A wonderfull and smelly MM. :D

  11. Gypsy/Mickey - As Homer would say... MMMMM Bacon... :)

    Moi - Im not so keen on the female Issy but the homme version does it for me big time.

    Kate/Searabbit - Thank you

    Leigh - I cant say I remember that one. But Im still singing 'Do the Shake and Vac and put the freshness back...'

    Troll - I did actually receive an email recently asking me to test out a perfume that contained pheromones. I decided that I have so many male admirers, I just wouldnt be able to tell if it was the perfume or me :)

    Nicey - I think almost any beverage goes well with a bacon sarnie!

    AB - Have you never sniffed a glossy magazine? OMG, you have NOT lived!!!!

    Thursday - One of the best memories of my childhood is my dad coming in from work and kissing him whilst inhaling that unique fragrance of beer, fags and the Evening Standard. Divine.

  12. Issey....
    and pheremones....
    my oh my.....
    wonderful MM...

  13. Allure....ah...dang it, I'se got a trigeminal thang that makes the nerves sensitive to smells--an' I sure miss Channel!! I'se a # 22 woman meself.

    Nice choices fer the hedonist life--hee hoo!

    HAppy MM!

  14. I can smell that bacon from here! yum!

  15. Wow! This collection of images is marvelous. I enjoyed visiting your page

  16. Bacon & freshly baked bread! Yum! Happy MM!

  17. Charnita - Gotta love that man scent :)

    Aunty Belle - I think that is one of the most cruel allergies :(

    Trixie/Java Junkie - Ive considered going vegan for Ruf, but I just cant see myself surviving the bacon lust :)

    Keith - Hello and Thank you.

  18. Raven - Sorry, you snuck in there and I missed you! I do love the smell of testosterone :)

  19. Love your take on the theme this wk. Great pics :)
