Monday 2 June 2008

Mute Monday: Beauty




  1. Corrrr!!!!!!

    I agree with all of that!

    *Trixie drooling in the corner*

  2. Some nice man flesh there Cake. Who is that underneath Ralph Fiennes? Happy Mute Monday!

  3. Trixie - I had to contain myself whilst posting them

    Gypsy - Sean Bean in Sharpe.

  4. Yay!!!!!!!!!!! Sean Bean....sigh...he da' man....and the others are nice too. Happy MM!

  5. Loves me some Russell Crowe! Happy MM to you!

  6. Nice collection of shots. Didn't know who some of them are, which is cool. Happy Mute Monday!

  7. Having your cake means Beefcake, huh?

    Do you think that Brad Pitt would look good in a bikini?

  8. have you ever seen AMC's ad for the movie "troy"? i love it - its like a sound loop of somebody shouting "achilles" with a weird back beat...ive never seen he movie but i love the ad. you know, the only time i have liked ralph (rafe! grrherherherha) finnes is as this cold ass nazi. after the english patient i hated him. still do. i love gladiator - really only for the fighting scenes though. i love the last fight in africa. get back cadillac!! OUCH

    happy MM great images all

  9. oooh-hoo! Oh Cakey-Pie girl, these is beauty on the hoof--heh heh.

    Happy MM!

  10. You seem to have a thing for Gladiators, eh? Ha. Happy MM.

  11. The second to last pic really is awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Stunning manbeauties!!! Happy MM!

  13. V-e-r-y yummy!! And isn't it funny... despite Ralph Fiennes playing such a heinous character in "Schindler's List", I do think he was perfect for the role!

    And of course, Ruf had to be in the line-up... although we have to take your word for it that he's beautiful! ;)

  14. BG - You're welcome :)

    Kate - I must admit to a very soft spot for the lovely Sean

    Moi - I fell in love with our Russ in 'LA Confidential' but was blown out of the water by his Gladiator.

    Troll - Who dont you recognise?

    NYD - Brad looked so good in that little leather skirt that I cant believe he wouldnt look stunning in a bikini :)

    She - Not seen the Troy ad but I agree, Rafe has never bettered his Nazi. The English Patient was very dull.

    Auntie Belle - Black Beauty just could not be left out.

    2$ - I do like my men to have a bit of meat on them yes :)

    BW - You mean my Ruf?

    JavaJ - You're welcome

    Helga - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and everyone in that list does it for me... including the horse and the Beast :)

  15. Well thank you for making MY night! OMG we have the same taste in men: shotgun Ralph Fiennes. He is MINE! ;)

  16. Not often do you see someone in an SS uniform in conjunction with beauty. Great post, though and happy MM!!!!

  17. put my girl crush last. She caught my eye *immediately*.....YUM. LOL

  18. Oh yummy! Great choices. Happy late MM!

  19. Gods! I love the sight of a man in a kilt.
