Thursday 17 July 2008

HNT - Rear

I love wandering around Ruf's flat naked.

I have to be careful that no one is in the garden since it is on the ground floor, but it is such a warm, cosy place that my natural instincts are to be unshod and unclothed.

Perched on the edge of his computer chair, perusing the internet with a square of chocolate in one hand and a mug of tea in the other, he suddenly shouted 'Stop!' and proceeded to take the picture.

I have had such a love/hate relationship with my bottom over the last 30 years that to be able to expose it for the past few months has been something of a cathartic experience. That's not to say that I never received compliments on my pert derriere as a young woman. Several men were extremely effusive in their appreciation of it in tight jeans. But I always thought it stuck out too far and was, therefore, too big for my frame.

Of course it was my first crush who really caused the damage. Having adored him for five years, he started going steady with the proverbial beanpole. Straight up and down with no tits or bum at all. A few months later he made some throw-away comment about me 'having a huge arse'.

And the damage was done.



  1. It's all part of the curves of your back and waist and hips. Looks just perfect to me.

  2. I can see why Ruf thought it was a great shot - it is. Your arse is gorgeous, as is the rest of you!

    xx Dee

  3. A very Happy rear HNT ideedy, lovely cute bum you have there, but the picture is oh so too small to fully see it in its wonderful curve details hehe

  4. You are beautiful. Seems saw you before. Did you ever posted your profile to a celebrity and millioniare dating site called 〓〓Wealthy soulmate. c om〓〓? I just saw your profile yesterday on that site.

  5. I think it's fairly clear who the "huge arse" was in that particular tale ...

  6. Jason/Shy/Dee - Thank you

    Mike - I take them on my phonecam and cut out all the peripheral stuff. For some reason, there is a loss of size when transferring from that host to my blog.

    Anon - Not me Im afraid. But I'll let you leave the ad up, you sweet talker you x

    Your Grace - Ever the gallant knight x

  7. Oh thats such a shame, but its still a lovely picture and a lovely cute bum ;)

  8. Great arse! Some men are just idiots and don't realize the effect their little comments have.

  9. Mmmmm... gorgeous is what it is!

    *shrug* Some people prefer beanpoles. Their loss = our gain.

  10. I don't get the beanpole attraction at all. Very nice bum you have there. Have no shame! ;)

  11. Tat first crush needs to be found and shot for such a comment.

  12. I'm afraid that jerk didn't know his elbow from his arsehole ;)

    Curves are where its at. What man would want to date a women who resembles a little boy? You look beautiful!

  13. Very nice pic. Classic look.

  14. Very nice. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Such a great feminine shape :) As well as wonderful photo! HHNT!!!!!

  16. Wow! There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with that pose! You are so cute!

  17. You have a beautiful derrière! Don't let anyone tell you differently...HHNT!

  18. You are just so beautiful, and that pose shows your gorgeous curves to their full advantage. Ruf is a lucky guy. Isn't it liberating to be able to walk around the place stark naked?

  19. The only big ass I see in this story is your first crush.

  20. It is a great shot of quite a lovely rear! First crush guy was not so bright IMO.

    Happy HNT :)

  21. a pox on that man...your ass is in great shape. tho i understand about pics...I hate them-- so HHNT is good therapy even if I haven't done but one truly provocative one...hmmm...perhaps I hsould take your lead and do something racier next week.grin.

  22. Wow....those curves are just delicious.


  23. Now that could not possibly be called a bum shot... although it is a rather delicious derriere!!

    Can totally sympathise with the throw-away comment... Husband did exactly the same, and I have never felt comfortable about it since!

  24. I think there is a way to adjust the size if you want without much doings.

    Love the pic, a very sexy view of you!


  25. If you'll excuse the pun, what an arse your ex was.

    Yours, by the way, is sublime...


  26. Your arse is a little too small for my liking. All the same, I'd be worried that Ruf loves your bottom more than you.

  27. FANTASTIC photo! I thought it was a painting till you said it was you! You've got a GREAT bum!

  28. I have to Concur with the DUKE and others...
    on a scale of 1-5, I'll give you a 92!!!!
    Absolutely Spectacular

  29. Is a beautiful bottom sweetie......and so nice that you are feeling confident enough to show it off!

  30. At least you have found someone who appreciates real feminine beauty. Like everybody else I would love to have seen a bigger picture. Happy HNT.

  31. You got a perfect ass, if you ask me! Bad that the picture is so small, even when clicking it!

    Happy HNT ;)

  32. It's amazing how powerful words can be. Throwaway comments, immediately forgotten by the person who makes them, can have a devastating effect.

    So let me join everyone else in assuring you: there is nothing at all wrong with that view - au contraire! I can totally understand why yer man just had to take that shot.

    And have a very happy what's-left-of-HNT :)

  33. What an ignorant boy, that was. Your arse is downright lovely. I'm liking the "caught in the act" pose too. :)

  34. looks fine to globus. all this and a positive posterior too, impressive. ass posts will always hook in an audience.

  35. Thank you to everyone who commented x

    Im feeling quite elated by all the positivity.

    I shall endeavour to enlarge the image for your future enjoyment.

  36. Bring it on babes, nice to see a curvy girl ;)

  37. Have you ever worn a cassock?

  38. Take it from me - you've got a lovely arse, and I think this is a gorgeous photo - very sexy!

  39. My god, that is a magnificent behind you have. Rubens would have made you his muse....

  40. Absolutely gorgeous... your arse and everything else.

  41. Dang! How did I miss this the other day?

    It's very round and smooth ;-)

  42. From what I can see, all of you is gorgeous!

  43. You look absolutely gorgeous - especially your arse - I wonder that the rest of your body isn't completely jealous of it. the people have spoken - lets see more and more of it!

  44. I bet that bum of yours looks real nice in a pair of jeans... it looks real nice 'nekked'

  45. Oh, shush. You are delicious, absolutely delicious. Your sexy head of hair, your lovely back, your tender thighs, and yes, that exquisite, round, womanly, spankable, kissable, fuckable ass of yours is a delight to behold.

