Thursday 31 July 2008

HNT - Spread

As he stood over me, I remembered our earlier conversation.

The one where I told him I wondered if I should take up one of the offers to help cure my cuntphobia. Perhaps someone new that I didn't associate with the condition.

Maybe a woman.

I was advised on a couple of occasions that women are better cunnilingually than men because they know what they like themselves.

I think he was remembering too.

Because it wasn't long before I had, to quote my friend Z, a cunt full of face and the proof that even considering that particular course of action was now superfluous.



  1. Very very very very nice. HHNT!

  2. Lovely pic!

    I have never cum from cunninlingus and have often wondered if a woman would make the difference. Interesting to think about and perhaps someday I will try.

    Cate xxx

  3. I've had cunnilingus from both males and females and in my experience, the girls have always been better. The exception would be my current boyfriend but before him, girls were always the ones to do it better.

    I love the picture. What you're wearing, so pretty! Happy HNT!

  4. Hot hot hot...

    You don'k know how much more I prefer this pick instead of your last week *LOL*

    Happy HNT!

  5. I have never done any thing w/a woman, but I think anyone would have difficulty out doing my man, he is extremely good.

    I love the black on your skin, beautiful photo!


  6. I absolutely love what you are wearing - of course, it looks fantastic on you - very sexy!!!!! Happy HNT!!!!!!

  7. my absolute favorite... a cunt full of face... Awesome
    great pic too as always

  8. a cunt full of face...I think that may be my favorite phrase of the day! look fantastic in the pic.

  9. I am not a huge fan of lingerie, I usually think sexy cotton undies and a tank is the hottest thing a girl can wear, but you are changing my mind - SEXY.


  10. It sounds like a new phrase has been added to the pop culture lexicon. Happy HNT!

  11. Nice bedspread.

    And the quilt ain't so bad, either.

  12. Oh my... I do so love that expression... and I have to confess that I adore having a cunt full of face! I've never experienced a female tongue, but who's to say it won't happen!

  13. Oh, and what a gorgeous photo!! Happy HNT!!

  14. Cunt full of face, face full of cunt - they're both pretty nice

  15. Nice HNT.
    I've had several men go down on me, and only one woman, but the girl hands down was better than the boys. Well, she maybe tied with one other guy, but the odds are in your favor that a girl will do a better job.

  16. I'm soooo pleased you're managing to overcome that phobia. I can't pretend I've ever been on that side of cunnilingus ... but it's certainly a pleasure to be involved on the other side :)

    And I have to say that the photo is an excellent way to celebrate! Thanks for sharing and happy HNT!

  17. Now there's a body that looks ready for action! Apart from your head, which seems to have twisted 180 degrees. I hope you didn't strain your neck, Mrs Cake!

  18. Glad to hear you are over that. Cunts and faces are made for each other.

  19. First off, spectacular picture, as usual! You truly are a beauty!

    Second, I'll agree that women have a basic advantage with cunnilingus since she'll know her own body. But women aren't all the same in what they like, so I contend that men will therefore make fewer (sometimes wrong) assumptions and will be more imaginative. Just sayin'.

    But don't interpret any of that as me discouraging any girl on girl action!!! I just have to make a case for the home team.

  20. Love the outfit. Very sexy picture!

  21. Great photo... lovely ingviting pose... just ready to be kissed in so many different places...

  22. Enticing pic. (I know it's Friday but happy HNT anyway).

  23. This do-women-eat-cunt-better-than-men thread is fascinating. The answer seems to be a resounding 'yes'. Not surprising, really. By the same token, men are much better at sucking cock then women are (I've been told I'm very good at it). I expect it's because you know your own bits and you have a better idea of what to do.

    Lovely pic, by the way.
