Thursday 14 August 2008

HNT: Venus de Milo

As requested by Osbasso after my last statue post.

Your wish is my command and it's always good to introduce a little culture into the mix :)

Ruf and I had some fun reproducing this one but I wasn't prepared to go to the extreme of cutting off my arms.

Sadly, I did lose something rather precious a few days later when, whilst cleaning my equipment, I dropped my 7" glass bubble ridged dildo into the sink and watched it break clean in two. Somehow I don't feel quite comfortable with the concept of supergluing my faithful friend back together.

On the positive side, I should rejoice in the fact that its last act was to give me the mother of all orgasms. But I kick myself in the knowledge that it could have been even better had I but been a little braver.

Yes, dear Reader, I am ashamed to admit that, as the advent and egress of each of those bubbles tickled over my gspot taking me higher than I had ever been before, I ran away from the true climax. After thirteen straight days of being fucked senseless with several forays into Squirtville, cystitis was ever at the back of my mind. I had been dosing myself up with cranberry juice, which was holding it at bay, but it was a persistent worry and I was afraid. Looking out over the brink, I lost my bottle, pulling away from the precipice as well as Ruf's persistent thrusts with the toy.

Needless to say I shall be looking for some form of replacement because glass is just too fabulous.

Damn! This post has now degenerated from culture...



  1. A fine, fine imitation! Thank you, m'dear!

  2. I... I can't tell which one is which!

  3. "Degenerated" is so subjective. I'm inclined to think not. :)

    I love this picture, your pose, the mimicry. Beautiful.

  4. Mmmm. I like culture. Particularly when it has such suckable nipples.

  5. I knew a woman with arms looks better than one without.
    Besides you can get a better grasp on life that way ;)

  6. Alas poor dildo, it knew you well! I'm sure it had a good innings. There ought to be a little computer chip in each one to keep tally of the number of orgasms it gives.

  7. Wonderful HNT. Much as I love Venus, I prefer the real thing. Alas poor dildo! HHNT!

  8. A little culture goes a long way ;) and if i may say so, your version is wonderful and you look fantastic!
    A very HHNT

  9. *gulp* Glorious click-through - I am impressed. And very sorry to hear about your dildo (glass is so wonderful, isn't it?)

    xx Dee

  10. Sorry about your dildo, that sucks!

    You did quite a good job there with the recreation, you look beautiful!

  11. You look amazing. Wow. Your body is absolutely beautiful.

    I hope you get your replacement and very very SOON ; )

    Happy *gorgeous* HNT 2 U ; )

  12. Have you notice that the drawing behind you make it look like you have flowy red hair?
    And it is abs I'm seeing?

  13. Truly a stunning pic...much better than the original inspiration! But such a bittersweet story...Sorry about your toy.

  14. Absolutely beautiful! You are a work of art!

    Cate xxx

    P.S. My compliments to the photographer as well! Very nice work.

  15. damn
    sorry bout the glass friend, but your only as good as your last at bat so he went out on top it seems!


  16. That was absolutely fabulous - loved the click over - Happy HNT!!!!!

  17. Classic. Dali painted or sculpted the Venus de Milo some 1600 times that we know about. But none better than this!

    Vote Troll!

  18. HHNT!

    Did you know that tortellini were invented because of her beautiful bellybutton.

    Marcello's fact of the day!

  19. Lovely photos, but I do believe I would much rather stare at the clicky then the original. You are so sexy!

  20. The Venus de Milo has nothing on you. That's quite the beautiful pose.

    I wish you a wonderful dildo replacement.


  21. You're better than Venus because you have your lovely arms. Venus would have such a difficult time with a glass dildo, methinks. ;)

    Sorry you've lost your glass one. Glass dildos ARE works of art!

  22. Is it me, or has it suddenly got hot in here?? Damn! You're a fine looking woman!! Sorry about the glass dildo... I don't play with mine often, but I know I would be sad if it broke! HHNT!!

  23. Ooooooooggggghhhhhhhh... I want a statue like that, like the clickie ;)

    Absolutley wonderful, I'm stunned ;)

    Happy HNT!

  24. well done for capturing the pose .. we can forgive the extra arm.

    what a shame about the dildo.

  25. You'll find an even prettier one, Cake !

    And NOTHING is worth a uti. I woulda been paranoid myself. Keep drinking the cranberry juice though, and lots of water !

  26. In my email... I meant PERFECT TIE!

  27. I have to confess that I like the statue with the arms best ;^)

    My commiserations with you on your loss. I hope the funeral goes well ...

  28. ur on in sageville.

  29. Just beautiful... love culture!

  30. So sexy and playful! I love it.

  31. Lovely pic! Plenty more dildos out there!

  32. Ouhh I like this HNT!

  33. Ah, you can only talk about culture for so long... ha ha. Fantastic pic.


  34. Wow, what a beautiful copy of the statue.

    And random, I could totally help you out on the glass toy. I sell toys! LOL if you want more info.

  35. Wow! Great picture! I am speechless and the imitation of the posing is outstanding!

    Happy belated HNT!

  36. Love the second statue! :) Now that one is a real work of art...


  37. Wow.. I didn't realize that was going to be a pic of you when I clicked on it to make it larger! Shocked me, lol. And I winced with pain at the superglue thing. Gawd, could you imagine...
