Tuesday 19 August 2008

Let's Pretend...

Let's pretend the past's forgotten and that we can start afresh
Put aside the sniping comments and not rend each other's flesh
Try to focus on the good times - not resentment and the pain
And try to be two people who were once in love again

Let's pretend the history is gone; that we can make amends
And hope that we can find the heart to carry on as friends
Face up to all the problems that we try to dance around
For the sake of both our children we must find some common ground

Let's pretend I'm not pathetic and I have a valid claim
That there isn't any reason to apportion all the blame
All I ever wanted were the words you feared to say
I suppose it made me needy 'cos I craved them every day

Let's pretend that it's all over and we both have no regret
Leave the rancour all behind us and just pray we can forget
The way that it stopped working and we couldn't make repairs
Next time I'll choose a man who isn't scared to show he cares

Let's pretend we noticed sooner that we'd both stopped having fun
You can't have been that gobsmacked when I said that we were done
So let's acknowledge all our frailties, but also that we tried
And that there were some good times 'til our mutual passion died


  1. My Dear Friend,
    I wish you only happyness. You have tried, but we can only do so much alone. There does come a time, when we do need assistance, and when that does not arrive, it is beyond our control.
    Your Friend,

  2. That makes me want to cry. You could be talking about my own marriage. I hate to give up on it, but that's exactly the way I feel right now.

  3. Beautifully said, hoping it all works out the way you want and need, BG x

  4. My dear girl! What on earth can have happened?

  5. Polar - Thank you x

    Hu - I havent given up on it totally. For the sake of my children, I just do what is necessary to keep the day to day working partnership aspect ticking over.

    Ange - Ta muchly x

    BG - Nothing has changed. I just got the thoughts straight in my head.

    CB1 - It was a poem that came to me a couple of weeks ago and this is the final version. As I said to BG, nothing has physically changed except my mental attitude.

  6. i feel very moved, and may have to refer back here in the future x

  7. Wow. Very well written. And I believe it's the first time I've seen the word "gobsmacked" in a poem!

  8. That's very poignant, Mr Cake, but will the one to whom it's addressed ever read it?

  9. Carnalis - I showed it to another friend who is in the process of separating and he said it helped x

    Os - You are my hero! The person I showed felt that gobsmacked didnt work but I stuck to my guns :)

    Mr Bananas - I very much doubt it :(

  10. Reading that really hit me square in the chest, I just found and started reading you recently...apparently the timing was right.

  11. Very poignant, Ms Cake... *sigh*

  12. Sorry Cake, I didn't mean to imply that you had given up, I was trying to say that I have :) Like you I will plough on for the sake of my kids however I have given up on having any kind of meaningful relationship with him over and obove being good parents to our children.

  13. The word has already been used but I have to echo it: poignant.

    It makes me think of some episodes from my own past though not the ones that reflect your own situation ... and I wonder whether I could have done more. There's a really positive sentiment there amid the sadness which is how I often feel when I look backwards.

    Thanks for sharing.

  14. oh, honey. xxoxo. You write so beautifully.

  15. Very heartfelt and moving. I had to readit through twice to really appreciate it.

  16. You know, the truest test of something poignant is if one can see themselves in the story they read. If I could pick something to tell my ex, it would be what I read here today. The only thing it didn't mention was "divorce sucks, especially for the one in love."

    Suddenly I want a stiff drink. Or, better yet, just a companion. Damn.

  17. Ez cheese - you're not going to start cussing again now are you? :)

    Helga - *sighs companionably*

    Hu - Kindred spirits x

    Ro - I wanted to try to remember the good times which are so easily forgotten amongst all the bitterness.

    AB - Thank you x

    FC - I have been reading it over and over during the past week or so. I find that, as a mantra, it's helping me cleanse and try to appreciate...

    EA - Im not sure whether to say thank you or sorry. Have a drink for me whilst you're at it x

  18. Really excellent. I didn't like "gobsmacked" on first reading. Then I decided it was a great dischordant choice.

  19. Nah, I'm done complaining and whining now.

  20. You do what you need to do in life. There are always consequences no matter what choices we make but even the quiet ones make choices with their silence.
    You can't pretend for ever either.

  21. "Next time I'll choose a man who isn't scared to show he cares"

    Good advice for all women, really!

  22. Oh God Cake, that just made me want to cry my eyes out.
    If you only knew how much I wish I could pretend with Mike.....
    And how many times I have thought that...


  23. Beautifully written. And hell yes that hits home. Hugs to you and all of us who feel that way.

  24. Hits home. Been there, done that. Kindred spirits. I want to reach across the ocean and hold you in my arms. And then you can hug me right back.

  25. That's really something... I love your words and how you cosset and chide them, as you so elegantly put it.

    Thank you for sharing.

  26. Beautiful words girl. It all rang very true for me but especially this line:

    "You can't have been that gobsmacked when I said that we were done"
