Thursday 4 September 2008

HNT: Black and White... and Pink?

This was one of those days where we were just having some fun with the camera because I needed some pictures for future HNTs.

It was a Friday night and I had just made the long drive.

To begin with, there was no setting up the shots, just him click clicking away in between removing each other's clothing and generally making out - before moving on to the stocking shot that I wanted..

When I came to download them onto the computer, most were unusable - for my usual editorial reasons. But a few did stand out.

The one that I used to show off my thighs in stockings and these two.

In the first one, I love the way the flash highlights the definition around my collar bone. When I'm in the bath, Ruf laughs because I get little puddles of water collecting in my various bony cavities.

When I cropped and put the 'old photo' effect on, it just felt right and, although you can't actually see my face properly, you just know that, in the click thru, I'm laughing :)



  1. Lovely HNT post!
    A very HHNT to you, oh and a little pink? don`t tell the SO you said that lol

  2. That is a lovely HNT. That reminds me of a dream I once had where I had to carry water across the desert in those 'bony pockets' in my clavicle. You never know when they might come into use!

    Happy HNT

  3. Great photos, love the clicky! Very sexy!
    Happy HNT!!!

  4. I think collar bones are so sexy. Happy HNT!

  5. Looking good!
    Love the click!


  6. the frame effect suits the 'peephole' atmospheric very well

    happy HNT

  7. Clever pics of a lovely subject. Happy HNT.

  8. Absolutely lovely - pics and post as well - love the effect on the photos too... Happy HNT! :)

  9. Was he tickling you in that one??

  10. Yes very lovely and pretty. The crop is beautiful.


  11. Both were nice pictures.
    Sometimes you need many shots to find that feeling

  12. Okay, I've only got the collarbone picture. What happened to the other one?

  13. Mike - LMAO, well obviously that's only a tiny fragment of his little pink :)

    B - It's all gone a bit suddenly :)

    Ms Lilly/Sage/Lapis Ruber/Baby/Vixen - Thank you

    Laken - Im always worried that they're going to snap!

    Carnalis - If I could have found a keyhole frame, Id have used it.

    Osbasso - Of course :)

    Walker - It's only from watching some of the tv about the professionals that you realise just how many shots they take to get the perfect picture... and then how much tinkering and cropping goes on after that :)

    Trixie - I cant find your email addie anymore! You have to click on the first pic to get to the second x

  14. :D

    I love the click through. And even though discretion is a must, I do wish I could see you laughing. :D

    Happy HNT!

  15. Very cool effect, and great pics.

    I know how it feels to sort through tons of photos from a day, only to feel satisfied with a few.


  16. Beautiful HNT, Cake. Very seductive.

  17. I love both of these! You really are very sexy in all your pictures!

  18. Lovely, great pic and a well done editing!

    Nice clevage on the clickie...

    Happy HNT!!!

  19. You've cropped them to great effect - two excellent photos.

    I have to admit, I kept going back to the click-through to check that I really was seeing what I thought I was seeing!

    Thanks for sharing - and happy HNT!

  20. Hehe! I think the pink is my favorite. And the penis and the giggles. ;) So cute yet so sexy! Happy HNT!

  21. ooooh. Very sexy & pretty.

    Happy "BEAUTIFULLY Removing" HNT to you ; )

  22. Your photos just keep getting better (and sexier).
