Monday 1 September 2008

Mute Monday : Work



  1. Have a good working Monday, Cake !

  2. I have a bank holiday to enjoy today\tomorrow! :-D

    Again with the Star Trek! Ya know, my Ma met Leonard Nimoy when he visited the hospital she worked at. He autographed a photo for her, Mum remarked that he spelt her name wrong. "Oh terribly sorry" and he autographed another one for her.
    For a price, I'll route through my parents attic next time I'm home and find that second photo for you......

  3. "route"? "root"? grammar fail.

  4. Do you know, I'm starting to get a vague impression, a hint, an intuition maybe, that you quite like Star Trek ...

  5. Spock didn't often get his phaser out, did he? I bet it was on 'stun'.

  6. I see you have chosen not to count anything I do as work, Miss Cake?

  7. LA - Ta muchly

    Walker - LMAO

    Brian - Star Trek has become a challenge :) And Id love for you to rootle!

    Os - How could a post about work not include tribbles - the hardest working animal in the Universe :)

    Ro - Whatever gave you that idea? But after the first couple, people did some to enjoy the references

    Mr Bananas - I do seem to recall Mr Spock running amok a couple of times :)

    CB1 - Im not sure entirely what it is that you do but it does seem to involve complaining about your organ player a lot x

  8. I produced over 900 foals at the Stud Farm and yet I'm seldom mentioned on Labor Day!

    Great selections and Happy Mute Monday!

  9. Today's theme is making me feel guilty! :o) Happy Mute Monday!

  10. Tribbles!! Now that is a hardworking animal, creature, thing...Happy MM!

  11. I'm with walker, but then again you already know that.

    Love the GIF doodad. Very cool looking.

    Pass the tribble, please.

  12. I was going to say the same thing as Ro.

    Well done Cake and Happy Mute Monday x

  13. Huzzah for the hard (and fast!) working Tribble! Happy MM!

  14. *Waves madly*


    I'm back from Spain and madly trying to get through the 400 posts on my bloglines. Just to let you know I'm back and will catch up properly soon.

    (Plus thanks for the birthday wishes!)

  15. funny, Cakey-Pie the cartoons. Oddly. be9ing workless is only fun fer a few days...right? Wait, mebbe not.

    Happy MM!

  16. I didn't a do Mute this week, but I HAD to see if you had Star Trek.


    Great and Happy MM.

  17. I love those last few posters. Hehe. :)


  18. This is me at my work some days. Ahhh the joys of IT....

  19. Moi - There is never any need to feel guilty about not working :)

    Kate/Java Junkie - Exactly!

    NYD - Catch!

    Gypsy - Great minds think alike :)

    Trixie - Welcome Back!

    Aunty - I think it depends upon the type of work doesnt it :)

    AB - Hope you had a restful Labor Day!

    Vixen - You liked my cartoons, you should see Brian's link

    Brian - I LUUUUURRRRVE that one. So wish I had found it :)

  20. Well then you may also like this one.
    If I've had a rough week I can be like this. (ad first) The really bad days are like this. That last one might be a bit too geeky but stick with it.

