Thursday 9 October 2008

HNT : Cake and Cream

I'm not really much of a one for dairy produce - a hangover from the anorexic, low-fat diets of my past - butter, clotted cream and the like are now too sickly for me. I much prefer my cakes and patisserie to be made with vegan ingredients and served naked.

However, my antipathy to cream itself does not extend to other areas of my life.

There is a lingerie set which I absolutely adore. Delicate and expensive with a cute little bow made from the leopard print trim at the back of the panties.

Ruf doesn't even remember taking this picture. We'd been on a night out and were full of curry and beer, leaving us a little the worse for wear.

But I do vividly recall the first time I wore it. Ruf was rampant. Desperate for me. It had been several weeks since we had last been together. After the long drive, full of anticipation, the panties lived up to the title of this post with more than their apparent colour.

In his haste, he ripped and tore at the thong to get at me. Shredding the fine lace with his fingers.

It was a glorious moment... which I paid for later with a good hour of careful darning as I tried to repair the damage his lust had caused.



  1. Oh so pretty!

    And I bet you were smiling as you mended those panties...

    Cate xxx

  2. Very nice. Although patent-leather tight stiletto boots would have completed the effect far better.

    Having said that, I wasn't really paying much attention to the boots. ;)

  3. Very yummy! and i don`t mean just the cake ;)
    A very HHNT

  4. Great underwear! The body within is pretty great too ;) BG x

  5. Mmmmmm.... creamy and delicious, Cake.

  6. Cate - Oh yes :)

    Mendicatus - Have you ever tried to drive 200 miles or, indeed walk the two miles home after a big curry and a large quantity of alcohol wearing patent leather tight stiletto boots...?

    Mike - Thank you :)

    Troll/Marianne - Move away from the Cake!

    BG/FC - Thank you. It's nice to try to see it through other people's eyes. I am still so hyper-critical.

    Os - Not enough time :)

  7. Delicious Cake :p

    Happy HNT!!!

  8. mmmm...yummy...

    the mending was well worth it wasn't it...


  9. I'm not surprised he couldn't stop himself tearing his way in there. You look stunning in that.

    I was reading a blog entry a while back in which someone mentioned darning and wondered if anyone still does it. I'll know how to answer if the question comes up again.

  10. I suppose he'd have to be fairly peckish to prefer that slice of cake to what lies below it.

  11. I love the click through, oh who am I kidding, I love the cake too!
    Yum Yum!

  12. Well, no one else said it exactly, I'll just go ahead.

    You *do* look rather good enough to eat. ;)

  13. Oh heavens.... can I eat that off you? HHNT!

  14. Darning? Couldn't he have bought you a new pair? Still if he is going to make a habit of ripping them off it might get to be an expensive hobby :-) Happy HNT.

  15. I spect the sewing was full of excellent memories.

    Love the pic.

  16. The cake looks ok, but the clicky looks much more yummy!!

  17. MMMMMMMM Absolutely YUMMY!!!

    I keep forgetting How Sneaky you can be, by placing these Delectable tidbit behind "common" photos!

  18. Delicious .. tasty ... I'd like a lick .. you are a classy woman

  19. Very pretty! You look good in cream. Happy HNT!

  20. Magnificent ... two sweets for one click.

    Very tasty.

  21. You look ravishing; no wonder he went at you the way he did!

    Everything served naked tastes much more yummy, huh? *smiles*

    I luv your body; you're always so sexy. Happy HNT :)

  22. "life sure is a piece of cake".

    Njoi..... as long as it last......................
