Thursday 30 October 2008

HNT - Osbasso's Mystery Guest

I'm writing this in advance as Ruf and I are spending a few days together and, hopefully, taking some future HNT pictures.

In the meantime, here's one that you might not have seen if you didn't visit Os's site in July... It's the lingerie that will be greeting Ruf on my arrival. Whether or not it will still be in one piece by the time you read this is anybody's guess...



  1. ha! have fun with Ruf (I'm sure you are), and I will be very disappointed in him if that underwear comes back in one piece. That pose is just screaming 'TAKE ME!'

    HHNT !

  2. LOL, well have fun no matter what the state of your lingerie is once you meet up with Ruf ;)
    Beautiful pose and picture. A very HHNT

  3. Nice choice of colour ;)

    Hope you're having a good week babe xx

  4. "Have a great time and take lots of pictures!"

    I said that to my mother this morning as she was heading off on holiday. It applies to you too and I think you will have a much better time!


    Cate xxx

  5. Love the color! Enjoy your time together.

  6. :) Have a wonderful time. Things remaining in one piece is such an overrated concept. :D

  7. Ah, I remember it well!

    Hope you're having a wonderful time!

  8. I'm looking forward to seeing a display of the wonderful time I hope you are having together.

  9. My favorite style of knickers!

  10. oooo, I'm sure he's gonna rip that off you straight away! Have a great time with Ruf!

  11. I'm sure I would have recognised you if I had seen it. What a gorgeous picture, you do have the most exquisite taste in underwear. I hope you and Ruf have los of fun with that camera, and that we get to see some of the results!

    Happy HNT!

  12. "Ah yes, I remember it well" :)

    It was classy then and it remains classy now. Far more important than the photo, though, is that you and Ruf have a fantastic time together - and if the underwear survives, I will be very disappointed!

    Have a very happy HNT - wherever it finds you :)

  13. Have a great time ;)

    Happy HNT!

  14. You look pretty in pink, and I suspect Ruf will be in the pink pdq after you get together. Glad to see someone enjoying life, after all, you're here for a good time not a long time.
