Monday 13 October 2008

Mute Monday: H is for... Hologram



  1. Hmmm funds and space... interesting combo...

    I'll take the money please, hold the sci-fi!

  2. Oh-oh! No old-time Star Trek holograms??

  3. They've got holograms in the aussie plastic notes as well!

  4. How was the fashion watch thingy done?
    I'm a huge Red Dwarf fan by the way!

  5. Jennyb - It's just a shame that there were not more pictures of the number of places that holograms are used as proof of id in the financial world.

    Os - the Doctor from Voyager is a hologram, hence his picture :) I was going to try to find some of the episodes of The Next Generation where they had various holodeck episodes but the Doctor seemed to fit the bill just as well.

    Trixie - Plastic notes...??

    Scarlet - No idea. It was just something that came up when I typed hologram into google... :)

  6. To answer your question to Trixie, yes they are a kind of plastic type material. You can put them through the wash and they come out perfectly in tact.

    Great MM Ms Cake. Who would have thought that two people would do that.

  7. Great take on the theme! Happy MM!

  8. Oh i`m glad you have Rimmer there smeg head! lol

  9. Oooo, very fun! Love the Kate Moss hologram. If nothing else, Alexander McQueen is always innovative if not always wearable. Enjoy your Monday!

  10. This is a first, I think. You and Aunty committed Mute Monday BlogJYNX. Great minds think alike, I guess.

    I think I saw the show where the nerd had "H" on his forehead.

    Happy Mute Monday!

  11. Holograms, Yeah!

    I used to get stoned and go to the Museum of holography in downtown Manhattan. Better than school!

  12. The Doctor Hologram is perfect and the fact that these seem VERY sci-fi and yet we use them everyday in our lives, is tres cool.

    Happy MM!

  13. ha! NOOO WAY!! Very cool, Cakey-Pie!

    HAppy MM!

  14. Gypsy - We could do with that type of money here. The number of times I have found my children's cash in trouser pockets... after it's been through a full wash!

    Kate - Thank you

    Mike - What piece on holograms could be complete without Rimmer :)

    Moi - Indeed

    Troll - Aunty and I have had a couple of pictures in common before so it was only a matter of time :) Rimmer is from Red Dwarf

    Nyd - There's a museum...?

    AB - I rather enjoyed the Doctor

    Aunty - SNAP!!!! :)

  15. The Kate Moss hologram is so very cool! Happy MM!

  16. Am I too late? How about this Star Wars hologram. ;-)
