Monday 20 October 2008

Mute Monday: J is for... Jo(an/anne/anna/sephine)



  1. I'd say the girl second from the bottom is my personal favorite. By far.

  2. I love that you included Joanne Woodward, Joan Baez, and YOU in this tribute to the letter "J."

  3. Glad you got the Joan Collins in there too!

    That second to the bottom one is probably my favorite too!

  4. no question on my fave...

  5. Riff/Os/Sage - You sweeties *Mwah*

    RHE - Joanne Woodward is sooo lovely. I have to admit to preferring Joan Armatrading to Joan Baez but that doesnt mean she doesnt get included :)

  6. The episode where Joan Collins is in Star Trek . . . the Nazi Germany one? I want to see it now -It was brilliant.

  7. Very sly disrobing is it? heh. Seems the "J" Ladies is lovely editions.

    HAppy MM!

  8. Top all the Jo~'s...Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner
    But he knew it couldn’t last.
    Jojo left his home in Tucson, Arizona
    Bought some California Grass.

    Get back Jo.

  9. This is great! Joan Collins is one of my super heroes. Happy Mute Monday, Miz "J"!

  10. Joan Baez - I haven't thought of her in a long time. :-)

    That Star Trek episode was my all time favorite and Joan Collins was sooo young.

    Happy MM!

  11. Excellent collection of Jo people. And you found a Shatner/Collins pic too. Happy Mute Monday!

  12. That photo of Joanne Wooward was the loveliest one of her I've ever seen. Such a classy lady. you're not bad either Ms Cake ;) Happy Mute Monday.

  13. I love Joan Allen. :)

    Gotta say I know my favorite too (as do the others).... ;)


  14. ab fab!! good to see YOU too. happy MM and, as always......

    nice ass!

  15. Scarlet - My favourite episode also :)

    Aunty - Sorry, I just cant show my face with all those lovelies

    NYD - *Hums along*

    Moi - I seem to recall the Joan's were Baez, Allen, Collins, Crawford, Armatrading, the Empress Josephine, Joanne Woodward, Joanna David, Joanna Lumley as Purdey and also as Patsy from AbFab...

    AB - I thought about putting in her Bitch or Dynasty incarnations but then how would I have got a Star Trek reference? :)

    Fuji - Any opportunity to include a Kirk picture :)

    Gypsy - To have my arse compare favourably to Joanne Woodward's face is praise indeed :P

    Cheezey - Never even thought of her!

    Vixen - A much under-rated actress.

    K9 - Thank you x

  16. World's most famous Jones. Happy MM.

    Our green party candidate is a bit of a nutter, but I did vote for some Green state reps.

  17. Sweetie, darling, you got Patsy in their. Now let's go off and torture Saffy darling...

  18. Damn...That's "there," not "their."

  19. I love your mute mondays the pictures you choose are great. Including the bonus one you slipped in ;)

    Sorry for the late comment lol
