Thursday 13 November 2008

HNT : Antique

I love this picture.

I can actually see the profile of my beautiful bottom and laugh at my long-held belief that it was enormous!

The skirt itself is something of an antique at nearly 30 years old and I now realise that the thread which I pulled the other evening was securing the lining in place. It was given to me by a friend about 15 years ago because it had got too small for her.

When I was very skinny, because of my eating disorder, it was a comfortable fit but, last week, I could just get into it... so long as I omitted to wear any knickers.

Now, obviously, that's a bit of a salacious side comment but the real reason I mention it is that the label clearly indicates that it is a size 10. Bearing in mind that I have been buying clothes for a size 6, some of which hang on my waist or my hips, I can't help but ask the question - have the measurements for sizes changed in the last two decades?



  1. that is a very small (and perfectly formed) bottom!

    They are indeed changing the sizes. It is most inconvenient as shopping is not something I enjoy. What would have been a UK 10 in the 80's is now a 14, almost universally. Do they really think we are going to be flattered so easily? (well yeah.. I admit, a *bit*. I can't say I mind saying I'm a 10, even though I know it's not real.)

    What is even more annoying is they are starting to do it to Mens clothes too. Having just bought a pair of Levi's for husband in size 34/34 we were surprised to find them too big. Not a funny cut, not a case of him shrinking. They were indeed, bigger. Whilst I can just about tolerate patronising flattery amongst wonen's sizing (a 10, after all is an ambiguous number that means little) a 34 should surely actually measure 34" ?!?

    Oh lordy... you've started me off on a rant....

    Happy HNT

  2. You look very good in it... Obviously perfect now for those times when panties aren't needed. HHNT!

  3. Great bum! Wish I could fit into a skirt like that!

  4. I don't know much about measurements, but I know what I like, and I like yours.

  5. That is a hot skirt! You are looking great there...and its not such a bad thing that you can't wear knickers with it. :-)

  6. Yes, sizing has changed everywhere. I have a 11 year old sweater that is about 2 or 3 sizes below what I buy now, and it fits. This holds true for a few clothing items from that age range. If I were to go try on that old size right now? I wouldn't even get it halfway on.

    The skirt looks great on you with those stockings!

  7. Very nice pic. Men's sizes have definately changed. I have to go Extra-Large for everything and I'm not Extra-Large.

  8. i dunno about the sizes but I know about the butt!
    what I know is it looks awesome, even better knowing about the lack of knickers!

  9. Very sexy and looks great on you!

  10. i'm not sure about the whole measurement thing,

    and honestly, i don't really care too much about the specifics,

    but rather, shape & form,

    and, you've got both, very, very fine...


  11. I have to join you in laughing on your belief that your bottom was enormous :D

    Your bottom is just perfect ;)

    Happy HNT!!!

  12. They have changed... Which is irksome if flattering.

    You look fabulous in that skirt, doll.

  13. That is a lovely skirt, and a beautiful bottom.

    Sizes have definitely changed, but it seems to be very arbitrary. I have two pairs of plain black trousers by the same brand - on pair is XS, one pair is M. The mediums are tighter than the extra-smalls. I've given up buying clothes in the UK, as it's too difficult to even find small sizes these days.

  14. I've had the same problem as Z! It's crazy and annoying.

  15. I can't pretend I understand women's clothes sizes - I have enough trouble dealing with variable sizing of shirt collars - but I do know that's a delightful skirt and that it suits you down to the ground (well, down to mid-thigh but you know what I mean!).

    Happy HNT :)

  16. Well, I don't know about the fit, but they look very nice! Happy HNT.

  17. Oh, how I love, love, love HNT! As a newbie, I am learning to really enjoy all the lovely pictures of all of the sexy bloggers out there. Thanks! Happy HNT!!

  18. Ms. Cake - Sweet bottom, indeed. Cheers.

  19. I don't know, that tight fit looks good to me.

  20. The fit of this leather on you looks wonderful... whatever size it actually turns out to be!

    Actually, do you think there was any way, how of the pure kindness of your heart, and for such a lovely set of readers, to re-crop the photo just a little bigger so we can understand better the relationship between the your sexy hips and your waist as well as get a better estimation of the gentle galb of your thighs.


  21. He slid his hands down her back and onto the smooth leather of her sklirt, cupping her firm bottom in his hands, pushing her up against his cock, now so so hard under his jeans...

  22. Gorgeous skirt (and arse!) Being a similar build to you I often notice this, especially as I've still got clothes from 10-15 years ago. I particularly have noticed this effect on children's clothes which I often wear for the fit and which have definitely become more generously sized in recent years.
    However, I remember as a teen not being able to find clothes in a size 8 let alone smaller than that so it does seem to even out a bit.
    BG x

  23. That's a great pic... very sexy.

    I'm sure sizes must be getting bigger. I wear an S in just about everything now... I used to be M, I'm sure. I'm definitely bigger than I used to be.


  24. I make it my duty to know the sizes of the people I'm involved with, but I've stood in shops with garments that say they're the same size when they're patently not. What's that about? Having said that, whatever the sizes of both you and the skirt, it doesn't seem to matter. It still looks good.

    Oh, and Z's comment? On how many levels is it possible to show off, eh?

  25. *giggles...

    big butt my ass....

    lookin good lady!

    HHNT (a bit late)

  26. Your bottom and the skirt are both beautiful.

    Yes, I think in the last 2 decades you can no longer say a 6 is a 6 or a 14 is a 14. With most clothing being made "on the cheap" (along with everything else!) you have to try things on in many sizes to get the right fit. Treasure your skirt, you'll probably never get another like it!
