Thursday 6 November 2008

HNT: Tagged

I've been tagged by both Mr Nighttime and Miss Scarlet Blue

Here are the Rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is up

Six random things about myself...?

Well I think I'll start with the one that I have been reminded of today... I have extremely strong pelvic floor muscles. In the course of the last five years, I have discombobulated three rabbits and over the last six months expelled TWO IUDs. Now, Ruf has never complained as he's always viewed it as a good thing... until yesterday saw the demise of my second IUD and the reappearance of the whole contraception question.

I think everyone knows of my fascination with all things Star Trek and that Captain James Tiberius Kirk was my first true love. I have watched pretty much every episode in all its incarnations with my favourite being 'The City on the Edge of Forever' with Joan Collins and my favourite film version 'The Wrath of Khan'.

I am extremely tenacious and determined. I hate to be beaten by anything which is why I have persevered all morning trying to get the coding right for the image near the bottom of the page. Those of you with GoogleReader or Bloglines may well have seen glimpses of my abortive attempts when I pressed the return key instead of save.

I'm very much a people person: Making new acquaintances, continuing email correspondence with longer known friends. I like to think that I'm the sort of person with whom you might not have spoken for a while but if you contacted me, it would be as if you had never been away. I know life is like that and I don't take it personally.

I think that smiling can cure most ills and I am very rarely without one if I can help it... although I probably should add the proviso, with my oncoming menopause, that I cannot guarantee a permanent smile for the next couple of years. Being very good-natured, one thing that really gets my goat is being taken for granted. That is a time when, I'm afraid, my smile does fail me... a fact to which the people who live with me will probably attest. I'm one of those 'straw that broke the camel's back' disproportionate exploders over something very small due to the build-up of irritation over continuing misdemeanours.

And, finally, I like surprising people by doing the unexpected and not conforming to the normal perception of me, but also with gifts for which they have expressed a liking in the past so, as requested by Osbasso, a birthday HNT for BTExpress. Not that I've ever met him but he is celebrating his 60th birthday apparently and what's not to like about gatecrashing a party :)



  1. Good Morning Having my cake,

    A mighty fine gift.

  2. "I'm one of those 'straw that broke the camel's back' disproportionate exploders over something very small due to the build-up of irritation over continuing misdemeanours."
    Snap! No pun intended. And we've already got the Joan Collins episode of Star Trek in common as well!

  3. Oooh, The City On The Edge of Forever.... So sad. Captain Kirk falls in love--real love--and then...


    I love that episode, too.

  4. Cute click thru, I love it :)

  5. great answers and what a great gift!


  6. Hey! It worked!!

    Sorry to hear about your floor...

  7. How about Ricardo Montalban in Wrath of Khan, Mrs Cake? Did he do anything for you? He seemed a lot more dominant than Kirky in that one.

  8. That was so creative with the present box. Loved it!
    Happy HNT!!

  9. My Joanna,
    Thank you for all you give us!!
    I enjoy many Blogs, but YOURS is the only one that remains in my address bar, for quickest retrieval!
    I Must say: "You are the Sexiest" Blogger!!! and your "gift" proves my point!!!
    Thank you,
    Your Friend,

  10. HAHAHA!!! LOVE the gift, very clever!

  11. Nice boob! What a pleasant surprise to get such a wonderful gift from a stranger, but a stranger no longer. Thank you so very much. It's a pleasure to meet you. Happy HNT!

  12. With this gifts, I really hope I have my next "big" birthday on a Thursday ;)

    Happy HNT!!!

  13. I was a bit concerned to see you'd been tagged on HNT. What a relief!

    Nice gift!

  14. I can confirm that you are a damn fine friend to have xx

  15. Love the birthday present. Love, love, love it.

  16. Lucky old BTE and nice for the rest of us too :-) I know it's Friday already but Happy HNT anyway.

  17. Good good good......
