Monday 3 November 2008

Mute Monday : L is for... Lego

And, of course... Lewis

With thanks to Osbasso:



  1. Oh, no! You couldn't find one??

  2. Why so many models of dead people? Surely it is time to leggo of the the past!


  3. Os - I had a brainstorm and completely forgot my Star Trek moment! Thanks for the links x

    Scarlet - She tickled me too :)

    UN - That is TERRIBLE!

  4. Wow. Those were excellent. I only had rocks to play with as a kid. But you forgot to say "I'm UP" at headquarters.

    Happy Mute Monday!

  5. the legos I played with as a kid weren't like this! Sooooo relieved to see the Star Trek gang at the end. Very clever. Happy MM!

  6. Hehe! Those are *AWESOME*! Great idea!

    happymonday!!! :)

  7. If you've never been, you should take a visit to a Legoland... you'll be amazed at the creations! And you don't have to worry about taking a child with you - I've visited the one in Denmark, and remember seeing loads of adults on their own, enjoying the sights!

  8. Oh WOW have they come a long way since I got one stuck in my nose as a child.

  9. Troll - Life is frantic today but Ive made my mark now :)

    AB - My kids have had Star Wars and Harry Potter characters and I was going to just show those but then I started finding the celebs...

    Vixen - Thank you x

    Helga - We spent a decade as a family regularly visiting the UK version and loving it.

    Cheezey - As Helga said, if you can get to a Legoland, it's really great fun :)

  10. These are GREAT!!! Love it!

    Happy MM!

  11. Totally original take. Happy Mute Monday!

  12. Oh! I had the bestest time wif' this-- Henry & Nan Bullen--ha!

    Very clever!

    Happy MM!

  13. WooHoo! Leggo Beatles! Leggo Indy! Leggo Trek! Happy MM!

  14. I love LEGGOS! For a recent 0 birthday I was gifted with a very large suitcase of leggos to play with! I even get the Leggo magazine/catalog regularly. Great MM choice....laughed out Loud at the Mona Lisa ! Great Fun!

  15. Wonderful take Ms Cake. Legos sure have been revolutionised since I was a wee child. I thought it was brilliant when they started making wheels and I could make a bus but these are so much better.

    Happy Belated Mute Monday.

  16. Excellent job Cake.

    I thought the famous figures where all good except one... they're all of the actual person they depict except the one of William Wallace, which is actually Mel Gibson.

    Happy MM.

  17. I loved Lego as a kid! Hours upon and hours in quiet solitude plotting world domination. Only to be spoiled when Mum called me for dinner. I couldn't part with it. It's all still up in my parents attic along with my Star Wars toys with strict instructions NOT to throw out or give away!
    For those that still have the kid in them, and lost their manuals.
    Also anyone ever come across Lego Hawking?

  18. Cool that you found the Star Trek lego... I loved Lego as a kid.

    (in Birmingham)

  19. Vincent: Just take it to a friendly place!

    Jules: This is Legoland Vincent. Marcellus ain't got no friendly places here!

    Jules: Hand me that Lego brick. It's the one that says "Bad Motherfucker" on it.

  20. The star trek didn't turn up on my bloglines, so happy to see it when I got onto the post, lol!

  21. This is GREAT ... and, like so many others, it came as such a relief to find the Star Trek models at the end!

    I always loved Lego as a child, even though we didn't have all these little people to play with then. I did have the little people to play with when I was child-rearing though and I've thoroughly enjoyed the family visits to the Legoland at Windsor too - kids are a great excuse sometimes :)

    Thank you so much for bringing such a big smile to my grumpy face!

  22. By the way. Have you seen the Eddie Izzard Lego movies on youtube?
