Monday 29 December 2008

Mute Monday : V is for... Villa(i)ns



  1. I KNEW you'd use Khan!

    The James Bond villains are good too!

  2. I dunno - is it really fair to call Eastwood's "Man with No Name" a villain? And Darth Vader is more of a tragic character redeemed, in the big picture...

    (Aren't I the little nitpicker? ;-)

  3. Brilliant! I love Alan Rickman in Die Hard. Bad, bad, bad. And sexy, sexy, sexy :o).

    Happy Mute Monday, Cake!

  4. Excellent pics. I rooted for Vader though. Happy Mute Monday!

  5. Very fun Mute Monday and certainly a lot of villians to choose from.

  6. Gorilla Bananas said... (in the wrong comment box)
    I'm puzzling over which of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly you fancied the most, Mrs Cake. Clint was obviously the prettiest, but he wasn't a dirty, hairy bastard who would have cursed and bitten while he was ravishing you. Tough choice, eh?!

  7. Os - Khan is the bestest Trek baddie. As to Bond, I was very fond of Jaws :)

    Don - Nitpicker :P

    Moi - Yup, deeply sexy :)

    Troll - I felt sorry for Vader but he made his choices...

    Big S - Im sure I missed some Virginian Villains!

    Mr Bananas - You are mistaken. Clint's Good had just the right amount of stubble and I bet I could have made him do more than chew on that cigar :)

  8. I commented in the wrong box? So I did! But it would only happen in a blog which uses small girlie fonts! I'm not sure Clint would have been that obliging, I think he was too narcissistic.

  9. Couldn't help smiling at the Walt Disney villains and at the inclusion of that wonderful English all-purpose villain, Alan Rickman (even if he did seem to get lumbered with being German in Die Hard).

    I can't take Darth Vader seriously as a villain now though; Toy Story 2 really killed that for me!

  10. The first pic is my favourite. Excellent post.

    Happy MM.

  11. Great choice for V!

    Happy Mute Monday on Tuesday.
